meme from Christ.

Feb 23, 2009 15:51

Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

* Mystical society - in it's many forms.
My pride and joy! From it's inception in 1991 as the Pagan Society, this has grown, shrunk and changed it's name many times, but the mandate remains the same: To provide a safe place for people to discuss their beliefs without condemnation. Current 'Form' is as the Mind, Body and Spirit Society.

* Paganism.
My chosen religious way of life. I've been a Pagan for about 22 years now, and can say that I have experienced many of it's varous forms one way or another. It's the path I have chosen to follow, and I'm not likely to change it!

* Bad Jokes!!!
If you insist ... There was this world famous conductor ...
Seriously, my jokes are not ALL bad, but my reputation for bad puns and telling bad jokes means that most people expect all my jokes to be that way. Most are retellings from other sources, so I guess it really IS "The Way I Tell 'Em!"

* Parties!!
Long time since I had one! Be they large groups of people gathering together, or just a few select friends, they have always been fun, in my eyes, though there seemed to be a period when nothing but hastle for some poor soul would happen. Couples would split, and new relationships start. But hey, when you wake up one morning after a party to find it still going on, and then we all go to the Student's Union for breakfast, I think you can call that a success!

* Gah! I forgot my other about, Frederick!
This was an NPC from VLARP. A Ventrue who gathers interesting texts on Vampire origins and strange experiments that accidentally kill vampires ... she died of old age! ... Was often in trouble, but always seemed to get away! Perhaps the old Nosferatu mentor was a BIG help in this case.

Ahhhh, memories.
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