(no subject)

Jun 20, 2004 12:51

ok- so we got a new puppy, temporarily. It was this guy Chris's my mom worked with, and its about ten-twelve weeks old. His name's "Ralphie", but I re-named him Sid Viscious. I swear, he's the cutest little thing. he just digs like a little maniac.

anyway, yesterday we went up to st. louis and sarah got a new car, its an 04 camry in a really pretty blue. The lady that helped us with it was really nice.

now, for the hell of it...a bunch of quizzes stolen from megan.

u n i q u e ::
1. Nervous Habits? biting my lip, and touching my face.
2. Are you double jointed? no.
3. Can you wiggle your ears? No.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? yes, but the other one raises to.
5. Can you blow spit bubbles? can't everyone?
6. Can you cross your eyes? no.
7. Tattoos? none, but I want wings on my back.
8. Piercings and where? my ears, and my cartilidge.
9. Do you make your bed daily? no.
10. Can you wiggle your nose? not really..

:: c l o t h e s ::
11. Which shoe goes on first? either.
12. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? umm, yeah.
13. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? a couple of bucks-200 dollars whenever I have the money.
14. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? usually my watch, and my rasta colored pony tail holders on my wrist.

:: f o o d ::
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl it when I eat it.
16. Have you ever eaten Spam? blah, no.
16b.And liked it? n/a
17. Favorite ice cream flavour? Gold Metal Ribbon, or Coffee. [18. How many cereals in your cabinet and what are they? dunno.
19. What's your favorite beverage? vanilla coke/dr. pepper
20. What's your favorite restaurant? el toreros
21. Do you cook? yeah.

:: g r o o m i n g ::
22. How often do you brush your teeth? every day at least, sometimes twice a day..
23. Hair drying method? blow dry it.
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? no.

:: m a n n e r s ::
25. Do you swear? yeah.
26. Do you ever spit? yep.

:: w h a t i s y o u r f a v o r i t e ::
27. Animal? i don't know anymore..
28. Food? who knows. i like everything. i guess french fries.
29. Month? March/June/July
30. Day? Friday/Saturday
31. Cartoon? umm..not sure.
34. Colour? Green.
35. Sport? Tennis
36. TV show? [sadly]Degrassi, Real World, Viva La Bam
37. Thing to do in the spring? anything
38. Thing to do in the summer? do nothing
39. Thing to do in autumn? ?
40. Thing to do in the winter? shop for everyone's presents.

:: i n & a r o u n d ::
41. The CD player? Warped Tour 03 & 04 Soundtracks
42. Person you talk most on the phone with? Shauna
43. Ever taken a cab? Yep, in DC.
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? in the dressing room mirrors when I try shit on.
45. What color is your bedroom? walls are beige, and the carpet is beige.ish.
46. Do you use an alarm clock? yeah. that or my ipod.
47. Window seat or aisle? window if i'm by myself, otherwise aisle.

:: l a l a l a n d ::
48. What's your sleeping position? stomach
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? only a sheet.
50. Do you snore? No.
51. Do you sleepwalk? when I was litte[ler] I did once or twice.
52. Do you talk in your sleep? no.
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no.
54. How about with the light on? nope.
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? radio- all the time.

--> b a s i c s .
[x] name: Amanda
[x] nicknames: amanda, manda, manders, manderpants, dubbs
[x] screen name: dubbslikespie
[x] sex: femme
[x] birthday: March 25th
[x] height: 5'3"
[x] hair color: dark brown
[x] is your hair long or short: now its short.
[x] eye color: dark brown
[x] city born in: cape
[x] parents married/divorced: they were married, but now its just kind of like. one.
[x] who are your closest friends: Megan, Shauna, Christie
[x] who makes you laugh the most?: Christie, Shauna
[x] who knows the most about you?: umm..Shauna.

--> c r u s h I N . . .
[x] kindergarten: hell if i know.
[x] 1st Grade: ...
[x] 2nd Grade: Bobby
[x] 3rd Grade: ...
[x] 4th Grade: Dustin, i think..
[x] 5th Grade: Anwar, and i think i thought Shon was pretty cute. sadly.
[x] 6th Grade: Eddie.
[x] 7th Grade: Eddie, still.
[x] 8th Grade: maybe a little bit of blaine.
[x] 9th grade: Zack, Drew.
[x] 10th grade: n/a
[x] 11th grade: n/a
[x] 12th grade: n/a
[x] boy/girlfriend status: Single, not looking.

--> o t h e r .
[x] do you have a job: I volunteer at the hospital, but other than that, still waiting for the places i applied too to call back, and/or to apply to other places.
[x] what are you scared of: having tractor trailors switch lanes without signalling, and/or have them pass YOU going more than 75.
[x] who's your role model: probably Christie and Debbie.
[x] what store do you shop at the most: Pacsun.
[x] have you ever done any drugs: prescription.
[x] do you collect anything: not really.
[x] are you a ditz: kind of.

--> f a v o r i t e s .
[x] thing in your room: my radio
[x] cousin: Christie
[x] cd: Sing the sorrow - AFI
[x] song(s): Something that produces results - The Early November ; You know how I do - Taking Back Sunday
[x] thing to do: nothing.
[x] movie(s) of all time: Virgin Suicides, Grind, Donnie Darko
[x] hangout: with friends.
[x] pizza topping: plain cheese, cause I pick everything else off.

--> r a n d o m .
[x] where do you see yourself in 10 years: doing something with my life.
[x] if you could live anywhere: California.
[x] dream house: The Blue house like on Real World.
[x] what age do you want to get married: somewhere around 25.
[x] how many kids do you want: 1-3
[x] girl's names: Amaya, ..i dunno for girls.
[x] boy's names: Conrad [agreed with megan], Ian, Evan, Elijah, Joseph, Noah, there are a bunch of cute names from the bible.

--> h a v e Y O U e v e r .
[x] been in love?: doubt it.
[x] lied?: yeah.
[x] cheated on a test?: put < and > on my desk to help me remember which way positive numbers went and negative numbers went on scientific notation, if you call that cheating.
[x] cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope.
[x] tied your shoes together?: I did, and i do it to other people to.
[x] eaten something with a lot of fat?: everyone does.
[x] had sex?: nope.

--> f e e l i n g s .
[x] worst Feeling in the world: saying you could do something, then not being able to do that.
[x] best feeling in the world: accomplishing something/love
[x] define love in one word: nothingcanstoptwopeoplefrombeingtogether. :P
[x] do you get along with your parent(s)?: sometimes
[x] are you ticklish?: hell yes.

--> o p p o s i t e S E X .
[x] 1st thing you notice about the opposite sex.: eyes/hair/smile/laugh
[x] perfect "dream" date: dunno, anything. i'd be happy if i actually got asked out on a date.
[x] who is your best friend of the opposite sex?: Zack
[x] what do you look for in the opposite sex?: humor, intelligence, kindness, you get my drift.
[x] what does the opposite sex not know about you?: anything and everything.

--> n i g h t T I M E .
[x] what do you wear to bed? what I wore that day if i'm lazy, or shorts and a tee.
[x] what's your bed time: any time.
[x] do you wish on stars: nah.
[x] what's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: listen to music or watch TV.
--> m i s c e l l a n e o u s .
[x] how many schools have you been to: 2.
[x] are you passive or aggressive: neither, passive agressive.
[x] vanilla or chocolate: chocolate.
[x] would you rather be hot or cold: cold.
[x] what is your curfew: don't have one.

--> f r i e n d s .
[x] person you can trust the most: probably christie or shauna, just because I talk to them the most.
[x] what is the best quality of a friend: One who is trustworthy and who listens [what megan said]
[x] what friend do you have the most fun with: Shauna
[x] name your friends: Meg, Kate, Shauna, Christie, Zack, Megan, and..thats all from school.

--> s t u p i d S T U F F .
[x] do you glow in the dark: no. sadly.
[x] do you posses magical abilities: don't think so.
[x] do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer: no. but their right above each other.
[x] can you name all 4 Teletubbies: popo was one of them, wasn't he? well i remember there was the purple, the red, the green, and the yellow. my grandma bought me a yellow one once. XD
[x] if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: be prettier/skinnier, which is one thing. which is shallow to, but I don't care.
[x] have you ever tried to kill yourself: thought about it.
[x] do you know anyone who SERIOUSLY wanted to kill themselves?: yep.
[x] whom do you really hate?: probably Bush. other than that, no one.
[x] what are you addicted to?: Incubus.
[x] do you like jewelry?: some stuff.
[x] do you wear a watch?: yeah.
[x] did/Do you have braces?: Used to, for about 3 1/2 years.
[x] do you believe in God?: yeah, mostly.
[x] do you believe in love at first sight?: somewhat.
[x] what are your favorite tv show(s)?: Viva La Bam, real world, etc.
[x] what color tooth brush do you use?: I've got two.. one's green, the other's purple.
[x] is the glass half empty or half full: half full. i think.
[x] most dangerous thing you've ever done: eat a balloon by trying to actually pop it when i was five.
[x] are you listening to any of your CDs at the moment: technicly, yeah. the imported version onto itunes of A crow left of the murder.

last kiss: nevar.
last cigarette: n/a
last good cry: dunno.
last library book checked out: The Perks of being a wallflower
last movie seen: American Pie the wedding one.
last book read: actually read completely through, Sloppy Firsts.
last cuss word uttered: mother fucker
last beverage drank: Vanilla Coke with iceeeeeeee
last food consumed:Spaghettios.
last phone call: Shauna.
last tv show watched: Real World.
last shoes worn: Pink and White DC Shoe brand Flipflops
last cd played: actual CD, Vans Warped Tour CD
last item bought: real Item: Ipod, other than that, a bunch of CD's and some bras and underwear.
last downloaded: itunes with my ipod
last annoyance: ralphie aka sid viscious when he kept eating my water bottle
last disappointment: knowing I missed viva la bam.
last soda drank: vanilla coke.
last thing handwritten: "Brenda, Scott, G-ma, Happy summer & Happy Fathers Day!"
last word spoken: "awwwwwwwww, your such a cutie pat00tie ralphie, go get on my skateboard."
last sleep: last night.
last IM: this morning from shauna.
last weird encounter: dunno.
last ice cream eaten: last night, well it was a heath blizzard.
last amused: today after sid/ralphie pissed in the garage while my mom was putting together a shelf.
last time trippin on drugs?: hell, i'm always tripped.
last time wanting to die: not sure.
last time in love: hell if i know.
last time hugged: when I left Michigan.
last time scolded: when we were buying sarah's new camry.
last chair sat in: what a dumb question.
last lipstick used: lipstick is weird.
last shirt worn: as in the shirt now? or the shirt I LAST wore. well, got me there. my Michigan Tennis shirt.
last time dancing: Michigan, me and christie always just did little joke dances and were like "can't touch this"
last poster looked at: ratchet and clank poster.
1 MINUTE AGO: looking at my TV.
1 HOUR AGO: I ate.
1 DAY AGO: was in St. Louis
1 WEEK AGO: ...don't know.
1 YEAR AGO: moving into the house

1. What do you most like about your appearance? my legs. their not as skinny as they used to be, but their really muscular, unlike everything else on my poochy stomach and arms.
2. And least? stomach and face.
3. How many fillings do you have? one.
4. Do you think you're good looking? nope.
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? shauna said I looked really pretty in one of my pictures.

First job: volunteer job(s) when I was younger I worked at a daycare, now I help out at the hospital. omgz0r.
First screen name: ilooklikegaz. haha i look nothing like gaz.
First funeral: that I remember? my dad's.
First pet: Ringo.
First piercing/tattoo: ears.
First credit card: n/a
First Kiss: n/a, but i guess parents?
First one that mattered: huh?
First enemy: sister, or Jamie and Ashley.
First big trip: Indiana to visit Brittany/Gulf Shores
First concert: haha! Kenny Chesney. ;____;
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Beatles.

(_) ...been drunk?
(_) ...smoked pot?
(X) ...kissed a member of the opposite sex? dad
(X) ...kissed a member of the same sex? haha mom.
(_) ...crashed your own car?
(_) ...crashed a friend's car?
(_) ...been to Japan?
(_) ...rode in a taxi?
(_) ...had anal sex?
(_) ...been in love?
(_) ...had sex?
(_) ...had sex in public?
(X) ...been dumped? ray. haha.
(_) ...shoplifted?
(_) ...been fired?
(X) ...been in a fist fight? sarah. on the cruise ship.
(_) ...had a threesome?
(X) ...snuck out of your parents house? well not MINE, but beth's.
(_) ...been tied up (sexually)?
(_) ...been caught masturbating?
(X) ...pissed on yourself? one time, in like 7th grade, I had to pee so bad, and I didn't have my key to my house, and I thought someone was coming up my drive, and i didn't wanna pop a squat, and my garage door wouldn't open, so i couldn't get the spare key, and finally when it opened, i was running in the door when i pissed myself.
(_) ...had sex with a member of the same sex?
(_) ...had sex with a member of the opposite sex?
(_) ...been arrested?
(_) ...made out with a stranger?
(_) ...stole something from my job?
(_) ...celebrated New Years in Time Square?
(_) ...gone on a blind date?
(X) ...lied to a friend? Who hasn't?
(_) ...had a crush on a teacher?
(_) ...celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans?
(_) ...been to Europe?
(_) ...skipped school?
(_) ...slept with a co-worker?
(_) ...been fisted or fisted anyone?
(_) ...thrown up in a bar?
(_) ...purposly set yourself on fire?
(_) ...eaten Sushi? Mmm.
(_) ...been snowboarding?
(X) ...been happy with yourself?
(_) ...met a movie star?
(X) ...been naked in front of another person? technicly, yeah. like megan said, when i was born.
(_) ...had a mental illness?

and i'll skip the other shit.
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