Dec 25, 2006 21:36
Merry Yuletide and yes I am still alive and using this thing.
Anyway this past month has been a blur, between school, work, and everything else in between, but at this point I am happy with what is going on in my life with very minor things I would like to change. School I am out of there untill the 10, and then I will be taking network infrastructure, and Directory Services(aka Active Directory),which should be a scream seeing that these are two classes that determine my graduation, and that I cannot do a last minute run for it these are day one get serious courses. Work I love it tho I am still learning tons and tons that I did not know or refreshing my mind to things I have not dealt with surprisingly these users are not as stressful as my last network job. There is a diffrence between network and bench tech jobs bench techs just fix things. Network techs fix things plus run and manage networks.. which is what I love to do aside programing. I am trying to do a good job so I can be moved up one day to network admin or a developer, but for now I am concentrating on doing a good job and then working my way up.
Speaking of being a she geek, and other things, I recently and still ask why I blew 90.00 on a watch that tells time in Binary, tho after looking today I saw the watch is manufactured in Germany. While I was in the Discover channel store, I drew a crowd with that watch, I managed in that time to teach about 8 people how to read binary. Quite frankly I was stoked that I was able to show them how to read it tho a bit arrrgh because I just wanted to go purchase the watch and make my way to friend of mines house.
Also I went to a few fun holiday parties. I had one for my work place that rocked we had a guy dressed as santa , but this santa was wearing a pimp suit, and carying a pimp stick and came out to super freak. Then there was the party my school threw at Twist of Lime where I wound up spinning as a guest dj and doing some sort of dance with glowsticks in my hair.. The dance was great minus some people in our group being annoying.. god I would have wished this B&*( would have stayed at home in her trailer in thibedeaux. I have a low tolerance for rednex being stupid... She has never had fun or went dancing so how did she know what is the right way?? But I did after my dance I recieved a 12 pack from Miller light for such a show of hyperawesome weekend fun.. Then of course the Yule celebration.. which I found amusing in that someone mistakes me for what I am... as If I have no clue what they are going thru.. Tho I doubt who they are asking for helps credibility the elder of her house got tossed out of the house I belong for terribly Henious acts. Hey he made his choice and received what he deserved for what he did.. as I always tell ppl in the ovc, becareful who you affliate with because she lost a good friend in me because of this action.. Tho when I see her I am cordial as I can be tho to black listed house that is hard for me to do because I treat banished folks worse than pond scum. As well as for my self acceptance issues and who I am inside, I am still lving a life where I am not ashamed or feeling beyond terrible for how I am. And its getting easier for me to take care of what issues I need to tend to to help me be happy and healthy. And I am actually getting used to this energy thing...I as I stated before, had the help of a good friend who helped me accept me as me, in that they are not so dif. from me and they wasn't feeling sorry for themself or that they was a icky person so why should I? Anyway in closing happy holliday and be well.
new orleans,
energy manipulation,