Feb 05, 2010 19:04
Yay a parade, but I had a rather cool event happen while doing my journalism class assignment, while drinking tea at PJ's at the clearview mall I ran into a few members of the krewe of Atlas, and got my assignment done in 5 minutes.... *DAMN I'm good. Licks her lips making a score sign* Even tho I am abit myopic about having to go to a parade after speaking to some people in it, I am a little more excited about it now... So I am waiting for this parade shenanagans to start so I can get out there and catch some beads..Now that I look at it I'm not so annoyed by it and ready to have a lil fun with this, after all Atlas was my first Mardi Gras parade I ever seen so lol might as well get out there and see it this year... and if I am not mistaken this is the first year they have rolled since Katrina. So might as well go out there after all I made an acquaintance of a few riders maybe I can get some trinkets
so one can see I am not as stressed as I am getting homework done ahead of time and done period and having a lil fun feeling better.. Oh as for my questions on the ecig I went to the forum and found out few others have had this problem so I am not to worried about my moodiness... sides who cares bout that its carnival time....
This is one of those things that Make NOLA one the Hottest cities to live in ..SUCK it nyc Macy's parade aint schit on this... the real party and parade is in New Orleans...baybay!!!
said it once I'lll say it twice
"Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez