So far rather uneventful day, did some house cleaning upon request, then I set out to my usual little nook on the planet aka Pj's where I started doing my homework for my Monday night Object Oriented programing class and got alot accomplished. The presentation in Power Point or Impress is done, plus the mock up of the ticket is done, of course I need to in timem convert it out of HTMl to XML and start programing in the operands in so it saves and marks areas it needs to. But I must say daaaaayum it looks nice, almost like a real ticket for a ticketing system.
Now to get my Tuesday night class stuff done and wrapped up, ie the Math assignment completed and start on my homework for the little man computer programing, its nothing big just time consuming is all, and I admit I am lazy at times lol.
So anyway today also on things for most part are going good.... Just excited about getting the Wednesday meeting group things organized and set up.. I am so looking forward to starting this up on the third of Feb.
Anyway back to the books as KMFDM says Hau Ruck...trans Heave Ho.