thunder only happens when its rainning and I only love you when I am playing...

Apr 02, 2007 00:01

Can anyone please tell me wtf is up with New Orleans Vs Google about? Apparently someone at google posted a picture of New Orleans pre Katrina and got someone bent out of shape.. Not real clear on what the problem is, except someone is accusing google of doctoring a satellite image by airbrushing it google vs nola Vs Katrina Meanwhile people are squabbling about that There was another Tsunami in the so. pacific near the Solomons see Tsunami We here in New orleans know what it is to lose our valuables so why not take this time to give our hearts out to those who lost in the tsuami. I know we lost and we are still rebuilding but how bout being quiet for a moment and thinking of others, something that seems like a lost thing since the storm more and more folks have a terrible problem with maners and kindness imo but there are also alot of good folks who do care and are nice folk.
As for what I did today, I worked on my paper I am on page four of the 6-9 page monster dealing with network documentation and blah... Didn't get much time to study for my Midterm but he said he was moving that to Wednesday giving me more study time Yay! I have decided that I need to pay more attention to my studies, how am i to do well for myself If i won't take the time and make an effort to get good? Yes CCNA test and the MCSE is hard but if they was easy they would mean nothing...So in the next few weeks I am on the quest for a decent Router similuator software as well pick up my other IT studies... Plus the time I am taking from myspaz should help aid in this endevor. I am spending more time here, in that I need to learn and heal and not let some folks who are also doing good things for themself not interfer with me and make me feel bad. Websites like myspaz is fun, but you do need time to rest from the drama and plastic actions of some. So some time to detox. Also I have found myself taking time out to meditate and like tonight I did some Yoga.. that felt real good... while I was in the shower, with my Jazz music cranked and the hot water and the scent of clary sage in my shower gel I thought of having a cup of Tazo Calm tea hot, and while I waited for it to steep some light yoga... and I feel great. Plus the candles (green and white) are helping along with the aromas of some ebony opium and amber flame help take some weight off my inner self.. and I think I should develop some sheilds for me.. As I noted in my recoup i had alot of frustration and in my line of work I deal with one frustrated person with a broken pc after another and at times it can wear on you till you must defragment yourself... ~cracks her back and chills to the piano music on live 365 via ITUNES.~ funny thing there as a child I had no apriciation of such things till I got older, and now I stop and think too again I have been a spoiled child and not taking care of what I have been given until I realized how much I truely have and what i need to do to fix my problems.
Anyway I am off to bed...
I must be up early to work more on my paper and get my diet stuff planned out for the day April is here and back on my diet hard core March i was a bit lax.
P.s. I may start a techno pagainism like group on myspaz as soon as I feel healed nuff and able to plus I am working on a small ebook about it.
Oh yea to special someone....
don't flatter yourself
you alone made me listen to ayria again... when i think of you the song debris comes to mind sometmes... other times... im not so surewhat you remind me of....
oh and Michelle your goonna love the modifications or my version of the missisippi slide.. comming soon to youtube... just now if i can get down the cupid shuffle.

diet, google, myspaz, mcse, itunes, it, candles, piano, incense, yoga, school, new orleans, tsunami, meditation, jazz tea, ccna, detox

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