Saturday's points out, I am not allowed to draw filler strips anymore, and furthermore, both Saturday and Sunday are to be filler days. Therefore,
today's strip is to be my last filler.
Yeah right. I'll weasle my way back in there, just you wait =)
Anyways, I was really happy with today's painting, until I reduced it down to 700 pixels by whatever. Web-friendly resolution turned out to be 28% of what I painted the thing at, so I lost a lot of detail. Given that fact, I think I'll have to render my next painting at 200 dpi (as opposed to 300) so that I don't lose all that detail. If I try to compensate for the drop in res by exagerating details, it will look like crap when it goes to print, so I'll just have to up the res on the original to 300 dpi for the printers, and do some cleanup when the time comes.
I actually have some other stuff I want to write about, but I can't really think of a good way to say any of it, so I hink I'm just going to get a bit more work in, then go to bed. My decision not to put a desk in my room because I didn't want to risk damaging these pristine hardwood floors is begining to bite me in the ass. Literally. My "zen workstation" setup was fine when I just used my computer for cleanup and layout on the comic, plus some light web-surfing, but now that the entirety of my workday (10 - 16 hours) is spent sitting crosslegged on a few cushions on the floor, my ass and thighs are sore as hell. It was so bad today that I got a total of 6 hours of work in. When I told Misha that, he burst out laughing as if it was the funniest thing he'd heard in days. Something about it being Saturday. Feh.
Oh yeah, I said I was going to get back to work, didn't I?
Ok, bye now.