Javi, Iker & Ander @ Punto Pelota

Nov 25, 2011 18:20

Today Jennifer on Twitter linked me to this video and I'm really grateful she thought of me because it's one of the most brilliant videos I've ever seen. I died laughing repeatedly. And I also felt very proud at the end when the entire "Punto Pelota" team agreed that Athletic are awesome. :D

Unfortunately I don't understand everything and therefore can't offer a translation but I'm hoping someone will do one because it's well worth it, the guys are absolutely hilarious!! :D

image Click to view

But it has to be said: If knowing the meaning of "bai" and "neska polita" is equal to speaking Euskera, then I speak Euskera as well! Where is my degree? XDDD (I'm a bit surprised they didn't say "egunon" though - considering how often Iker has tweeted it, I could have sworn it would come to his mind first. XD)
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