Christmas was actually really fun!

Dec 26, 2006 05:54

So, I got the best present in the world. Not only did I get 2 tickets to Rise Against (only my favorite band!) but DAN can come with me!!! So excited! Its on January 24...the only problem is we have a social final the next day at 1:00pm :P oh well!

List of presents:
ipod home player thing---MOST AWESOMEST THING! (excluding the Rise Against tickets)
LOTS of books...some pointed ie "Chicken soup for the soul--on tough stuff" and "Spiritual journaling"
SEasons 1,2,3 of OTH
Season 4 of Gilmore Girls
Random magazines
OOH! This really cool pillow that has speakers built in...
Yeah, that is the ones that I am really excited about!
Oh, and 5 cinniroll cupons.

AND THE BEST THING OF ALL IS THERE WAS NO FIGHTING TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NONE!!!!!!!!!!!
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