✘ I remember what they taught to me

May 07, 2010 00:52

He was standing tall, watching the seemingly constant sunset set over the tall buildings that were constantly so bright. Twilight Town was always comforting to him, always gave him time to think and time to settle things internally. But those brief moments of comfort were usually followed by ones that told him he was worth more than this. He could do more than this. He was more than this.

He was different. He wasn't like them, he could feel it. He knew there was more to learn, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to wait around taking orders forever. Lately, the days left him feeling empty-even moreso than usual. It wasn't enough for him to live each day as it came, completing missions he didn't care about. He didn't want to go through the motions any more. All he had was a never-ending supply of questions, and no one was prepared to answer them. Even Axel avoided topics he didn't feel like answering, and Xion didn't know much more than he did. It was like everyone was apart of some bigger plan, something more important than the mundane tasks he's handed day in and day out.

He pushed himself forwards, hands bracing the wall as he swung his feet over the edge of the clock tower. He could hear the chiming of the clock behind him as it ticked the seconds away. He didn't notice, but he swung his feet in time with the hands of the clock, still deep in thought, staring at the buildings below him.
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