(no subject)

Dec 14, 2005 12:55

I think I'm sick. I'm not sure, but I feel terrible. Itchy throat and stuffed up nose. Probably some sinus thing, but it's not making me happy. On top of that I had a Dr's appt. this morning and for the 2nd time in a week they could not get any blood out of me. I went last Wed. for a checkup and they wanted to test my cholesterol. Ok, I said, without realizing they'd have to draw blood for that. After 2 sticks in one arm and 1 in the other and a perusal of the hands they realized getting blood wasn't going to happen that day. It's just too damn hard to see my veins, plus they roll. I was traumatized. I'm not really afraid of needles and the pain isn't the most excrusciating of my life, but the fact that EVERY TIME I give blood it takes 3 or 4 tries to get a vein puts me in a state of fear. I HATE giving blood. So they say, come back next week, drink extra water and eat something substantial before you come in. I do that today and still, after 3 sticks in one arm they give up again. Are they completely incompetent? I don't think that's all of it. Bad veins + not so good nurse = once again, Erin goes through a traumatizing experience and had nothing to show for it. Damn it! I'm never attempting to give blood again. I don't care what my cholesterol is! (ok, that's not true, but it's what I'm feeling right now) The only good part was I went shopping after my experience this morning and bought a really cute pair of shoes. It made me feel better...
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