Binding Along

Jul 27, 2015 07:36

The Houston Area Regency Society had a sewing day on Saturday. It wasn't well-attended, but those who did attend made reasonable progress on projects and watched Tom Jones and had a tasty, though not fancy, lunch. We also talked about plans for upcoming events, and we settled on sometime in the latter part of September for an archery event. It will be in Conroe, which is about as far north on I-45 as you can go without leaving the Houston area so if any DFW people are interested in attending, it's about 3.5 hours from the Ft. Worth Botanical Gardens and about 3.5 hours from where the Wylie archery event was held and about 3.5 hours from the North Dallas/Plano line. We haven't worked out all the details yet, but that too shall come.

I had my stays ready to bind in time for the sewing day so I worked on them. Now the armscyes and the neckline are bound, and I've got the bottom still to do. Of course, that involves binding tabs so it will probably take just as long as the other three sections combined. And I can only work on it so long before my fingers start hurting so I abandon it and work on other things.

Speaking of other things, I finished the patterned section on my pinball project and just have eighteen plain rows left to finish this side. I also started working on the girls' Hallowe'en costumes since I don't know whether I'll get much time to sew after school starts.

18th century pinballs, 1790s stays, hars

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