I'm quite in arrears on pictures. I've finished an 1800's drop-front dress, a 1930's bolero, and a 1950's sundress without taking any pictures of them on me. Saturday, pictures were finally taken of the Regency little white dress. Today I put on a 1930's dress for the sole purpose of finally getting pictures of my bolero. I have to wait for the sunburn I got Saturday to clear up before I take pictures of my 1950's dress. (Yes, I lost track of time on Saturday and am living with the consequences.) I'll write something about the picnic Saturday, but it won't be right now.
Anyway, at least I have bolero pictures.
I think it came out nicely, though I had to take a bit out of the sleeve caps so I didn't have the late 1930's linebacker shoulders, and I only pinned the ties on so that I wouldn't always have to have a little bow. Little bows just seem a bit peculiar in 2015.