Feb 28, 2006 15:37
Well, it's been quite some time since I've written in here and I figured since I'm bored, I might as well.
My darling better half got a job doing what he has been going to school for and has moved away to Savannah. *sigh* What am I going to do? He will be down there for 2 months before I'm able to move down there and join him. He's only been gone since Friday morning but it feels like he's been gone forever. It really sucks bad when you see someone everday for almost 3 years and then all of a sudden you cant see them anymore. It was like...
Travis: I have to go down to Savannah tomorrow and see if I got hired for this job.
Me: Awesome! I hope you get it! Good luck!
Tuesday (phonecall):
Me: Did you get the job?
Travis: Yeah! I did!
Me: Awesome! I'm so happy for you!
Travis: I start Monday.
He comes home Wednesday night, packs his things, takes me on a surprise trip Thursday (that was really really nice) and the leaves Friday morning for 2 months. I had myself all psyched up and ready for him to leave March 21st like we had planned on if he didnt get the job, but this was just so sudden. And I hate it.
But the trip he took me on was really great. He had been telling me he was taking me somewhere for a long time. So he drove me up to the mountains to Cleveland, Georgia (about an hour and a half from here) to the Cabbage Patch Baby headquarters! I've been wanting to go there for a long time. It's where the guy who invented the Cabbage Patch Kids has a little "hospital" set up and you can go in and look at all the old ones and their new ideas and see how're they're "born." It's cute. He bought me a stuffed eagle that I named Eagley, a little bear for my keychain, a shotglass (from Babyland, hahaha) and some rock candy. Then he took me out to eat at this country diner that gave me the biggest country fried steak that I've EVER seen. Then we took a drive up the Georgia scenic by-way through the mountains and pulled off at a Chatahoochee National Forest recreation area and went on a little hike that had an overlook to some waterfalls and a path that goes down to the river, where we skipped rocks. We then hiked back and drove around some more then went to a little old timey soda shop downtown and had icecream floats. It was awesome. I had the best time and it was a great way to say goodbye.
I talked to him on the phone today and he said that he saw some really cool stuff today and he likes everyone he works with and is having a great time. I'm really excited for him.
But on the down side of things. I have a -$146 bank account, courtesy of the bank thanks guys! They told me I had overdraft coverage so I took out some money and then it came up negative and when I went down there they said "Oooooh, your overdraft coverage plan ended last month." Thanks fuckers. I'm glad you told me. Then they cut off our water at the apartment today ($200 bill) since they never told us we even had a water bill until last month, I have to pay my moving violation tickets ($138) and we havent dropped off the money for February's rent or March's rent since our landlord is never there because he is a son of a bitch that never answers his phone, returns messages, stays in his office or will let anyone leave money unless it's in the drop box. Which I'm not doing since I'm not about to leave 2 months rent in a little drop box that is surrounded by illegal immigrants all day since there's construction going on in our apartments. Fuck that. He told me, "I did background checks on all my workers." And I said, "I bet you did. I bet you did background checks on all those Mexicans and none of them are illegal either are they?", he had nothing to say after that. And I know for a fact that they are illegal because one of them is one of the guys that lived below Travis and me when we lived on the Eastside and he was hauled off to immigration! So, shit!
I'm done now. I've vented and I need to go home. (Because I dont have a computer at the house, Travis took it when he moved since it's his, and I have to come to my parents' house now. Which is a chore in itself that makes my blood pressure raise every single time I'm here.)