Apr 06, 2005 15:48
I am so completely happy that the day is almost over! I only have Thursday left which is a short day at work! WOO HOO.
Today I had to go to the doctors for my tummy. They are going to start trying out all these medications and see what works. great. At least I wont feel this way anymore, hopefully I wont get even worse side effects. The one I'm on now has the least amount of side effects so thats good.
Thursday I get off work at 2:30 and have to go to the bank to straighten some things out. They didnt activate my debit card right so they have to reprogram it. haha, oh well. I need to go by these apartments and pick up an app. for me and Adamlay! Heck yes! Then I need to go to my apartment and clean it up!
Friday my broth Nicolos is comming to see me and my sister michelle, I'm so stoked! He's going to stay the night at my apartment with me!
Saturday me and David are going to be celebrating our anniversary, yay! Its been two years, its so wierd becuase I swear it feels like three and every one I tell thinks that its been two years they think I'm lying and that its really been three. Oh well! Next year it will be three years, haha! We are going to have a mini date before the WINFIELD show and then go to the show and then have a date after. I'm excited I havent seen them play in the longest time! Oh yay I hope I see marisa there!
Sunday looks like its free game for now!
PS I'm stoked that me and Adamlay are going to be roomies in less than a month, YAY!
PSS Barrylay are you still going to be our little bum? I hope so!
Also excited because if the weather is nice on the 28th I'm going to go to the last thursday celebration of art on Alberta Street. It totally rocks there! I get butterflies in my tummy just thinking about it! YAY!