Friends and Community Cut

Apr 23, 2012 09:53

Did a massive friends and community cut from LJ - mostly communities and people who seemed to have left LJ or haven't commented in years. In the event that I defriended you and you want to be back on, please let me know. (I only got a few hours of sleep so accidents happen). I am not accepting new friend requests from people I do not know due to privacy concerns. (Apologies) All my fics are online, feel free to read and comment on those sites. I still love reviews!

I have pretty much left the Buffy fandom as far as writing goes. I still have plans to finish the WIP's (really, its only been a few years since they were updated...) but new fics are just not happening. In the random event that you are just following my fics, I declare it amnesty day for de-friending due to leaving the fandom.

*hugs to all*
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