Jun 10, 2007 18:53
Dear yogurt obsessives,
The title for today's inane ramble is actually one of my favourite lines from Scrubs. All hail Scrubs *salutes*. I swear, that TV show got me through ASs, when I was workign I used to do two hours work and then watch an episode of Scrubs. Genius. The trouble is, I can't find a suitable series for A2s. All the TV programs I love last na hour which is too long for a study break. I am feeling like I'm not revising enough, I findif I'm not going crazy with work to the point where I start getting migraines, comfort eating or stabbing myself with a papre knife then I tend to think I'm not working hard enough. On the other hand, the day before an exam it is important not to do that much. I think I did that before my first history A2 and it made me really nervous.
Oh my Gosh, I've just realised Sister Act is on TV -one of my deplorable film weaknesses- and I must goggle Whoopie Goldburg kicking the bejeezuz out of a choir load of nuns including a head nun played by Maggie Smith. The person who wrote that story line deserves some serious accoladage. Gotta go, will talk about weekend later.
And she's just been gravelled...