Dec 24, 2006 20:27
Dear Wise men, shephards, oxen, and (of course) Father Christmas,
My greetings and salutations on this fine Chrimbo eve are as follows: peace and love to all men and women and let's just enjoy without shame or regrets of ritualistic cleaning the glories of Christmas. I have had a bit of a rough week, my Oxford rejection letter was cool.. *waves Oxford reject t-shirt and sings "Oxford I don't need you" song with piano accompaniment*. Have been trying to find mature and sensible methods to deal with this rejection, and so far have dealt with it in a combination of mature and obscenely teenagery ways. Hmm... So not the best time of year but not the worst either, there is ,lght at the end of the tunnel and am not completely heartbroken, although my ways of drealing with it are not unlike my break-up mannerisms. Intriguing. I hope you are all well my loyal readers and that you are not feeling unhappy or alone, if you are just give me a call, you have my mobile. I love you all and I'm looking forward to another year jam-packed with strange and alarming (and hopefully humorous) stories and experiences along the way. Christmas is tricky though (I hate my family sometimes) and they are on super high annoyance level al momento... grrr. Anywho, will leave on relatively cheerful note, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Peace and Goodwill,
Lady Athene the Cannibalistic of Dicken St Charles