adrift in the dark

Jan 30, 2009 00:53

My "real" life is kind of shot to shreds right now, in this way where I veer wildly between a sort of giddy Zen happiness and the edge of deep despair, with weird fuzzed-out apathy in the middle. Plus, I think I'm catching a cold. :(

But at this very moment, fandom is mostly making me happy. I was saddened by the death of Kim Manners, but it was also heartwarming to see how very loved he was, both by fandom and by the people he worked with. And sure, perusing all the race discussions seems to be making me a bit more paranoid than usual, but on the other hand, for those of you who remember my previous post on the subject, I'll note that coffeeem/Emma Bull apologized. Worth reading.

Meanwhile, after falling kind of hard for John Cho in Kitchen Confidential, I decided to move Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle to the top of my Netflix queue. And oh, was I glad I did. It's not really my type of movie in so many ways (I'm not into gross-out humor, I'm not a stoner, and man, does this movie fail the Bechdel Test, among other things), but for some reason it totally got past all my defenses and made me love it. I think possibly because now, not only do I still adore John Cho (oh my god, I just noticed that he's Sulu in the new Star Trek movie while poking around imdb, eee!), but I'm pretty sure I have an enormous crush on Kal Penn. It was also much more successful as social satire than I expected it to be. Plus, Neil Patrick Harris! Overall, it was funny (heavy on the ridiculous and absurd), smart, and oddly endearing.

And then, tonight there was Supernatural! And lo, it was glorious. It is very possible that this episode has vaulted right up into being my favorite Supernatural episode of all time. I mean. They gave me high school! School setting might just be my most bulletproof story kink. I mean, I love it so much that the longest story I've finished to date is my story about Sam in high school, Unclassifiable. And the longest WiP sitting on my hard drive is the bandom college AU. So when I saw this week involved high school flashbacks, I was insanely excited.

And it really really really worked. Just, everything about it. The young actors did a superb job, Jared and Jensen were fantastic as usual (I really loved all the Sam they gave us in this ep, both then and now), and the high school was very much a high school. Sam-then beating up that bully was awesome, and Sam-now feeling bad about it was achingly in-character. Also, how sad he looked at the end, and little Sam's huge eyes when that (very handsome!) teacher gave him the original advice. And oh, Dean in that final high school scene was heartbreaking. Oh, boys. ♥ ♥ ♥

They are too broken for my love to heal them, but that doesn't stop me from adoring them anyway. It's kind of scary how awesome this season has been. Not exactly consistent in terms of tone, and certain not subtle, but seriously, intensely, epically awesome.

Lastly, we seem to have misplaced our Burn Notice dvds, so we switched to Chuck as our appetizer to Supernatural. I feel quite pleased for having hooked eowyns and now marinarusalka. I'm on my fourth viewing of some of these episodes, but somehow my love for this show only grows. The episodes we watched today would make a killer bandom AU, I think. Mostly, the faily flirting of Chuck and Lou the deli girl struck me as classically bandom, and then I realized that the entire ridiculous snarky adorableness of Chuck makes it ideal of bandom just overall, too. But it's possible I currently think anything would be ideal of bandom... Or, for that matter, Chuck. :)

episode reaction: supernatural, harold and kumar, gush, the color of my skin

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