There's been a lot of less-than-awesome going around fandom recently. So here are some of the awesome things I have come across lately:
So, we all know I
loved Iron Man. I also enjoy comics, but have woefully neglected my education in them. Therefore, I found
A Newbie's Guide to Iron Man, Parts 1 and 2 by
likeadeuce to be highly informative and
musesfool's little Tony/Pepper ficlet,
Foundation, delightful. Plus,
This One Time at Band Camp by
hackthis, featuring Ari Gold/Robert Downey, Jr. (Entourage/RPS, PG-13), is pure unadulterated joy.
Speaking of RPS, I'm still utterly enjoying my time in bandom.
This entertaining and completely random MCR picspam by
pearl_o does a pretty darn good job of showing why. Bandom is also enormous, which means that in addition to the many standard pairings, many of which I adore, there are also exist fics featuring a grand diversity of rare but wonderful pairings, such as
skeptics and true believers, a wonderful early Chicago Patrick/William fic by
iphignia939, and
welcomed back by the lights, an adorable, fluffy little Frank/Ian (MCR/The Cab) fic by
lordessrenegade. There are also impossibly awesome crossovers!
iphignia939 has written not just one, but two incredible War for the Oaks crossovers. (The first one,
and the moon in their net, is a gloriously long Pete/Patrick fic. And the second one,
man sell not such, features Hedge/William! My love for Hedge knows no bounds.)
Gerard will most certainly hurt you series, which has some charmingly snarky characterizations and endearingly complicated interactions, and appears to be going in a Gerard/Frank/Jamia polyamorous triad direction to boot (a combination of so many things that I fucking adore), started out as a bandom/Being Human crossover. And
ignipes's most recent bandom/SPN crossover,
forty thousand men and women every day, in which Dean & Brendon face the Minnesota zombie apocalypse, might just be the definition of awesome.
There have been plenty of other awesome things going on in SPN fandom, too. Fic-wise, I loved
lgbtfest fic,
Learn as you go, which features a thoughtful John POV, Dean with an OMC I would love to see again, and wee!Sam being awesome.
marinarusalka also committed
fantastic meta about women in SPN season 3 that manages to be perceptive, articulate, detailed, and balanced while expressing some important and critical thoughts about how SPN's portrayal of women has changed for the worse this season.
Bitchwatch pulls together some statistical data about language-use along similar lines. I love data! *happy sigh* Meanwhile, for something just plain fun,
keepaofthecheez compiled a whole bunch of
mp3 soundbyte clips from the season finale. (Spoiler warning for everything but the fic.)
*grin* And to prove that I'm still as multi-fandom as ever,
Matchmaker by
fox1013 is a completely adorable Heroes Matt/Mohinder story with a terrific Molly POV voice. I have lots of love for all the House, MD season 2 my housemate and I have been watching, but I think I'd better save blathering on about that for future posts. I also just started watching My So-Called Life for the first time and am quite liking it. I finally understand the crack about Jared Leto in 10 Things I Hate About You! And season 2 of Friday Night Lights just arrived in the mail. I am looking forward to finding out whether or not the second half managed to dig itself out the bear-traps tripped by the first half. (And I plan to enjoy my time with all those wonderful characters, regardless!)