Crossovers Batch 1: Diversity Rules! (Much Like Led Zeppelin)

Mar 07, 2007 03:19

In an effort to combat my recent Supernatural single-mindedness, here's a list of 5 crossover recs involving 10 different fandoms. There will definitely be more crossover rec lists in the near future, as in the queue already are 4 more involving Lex Luthor (I swear, Lex would have chemistry with a rock), and several others of varying fandoms besides. But for now, 5 wonderful, if a bit cracktastic, fics -- 1 het, 2 slash, 1 femslash (yay!), and 1 gen.

L'Heure Blue by Dale Edmonds. Harry Potter/Buffyverse, Draco/Riley. The author's website is down, so this link is to Found in my early days of reading primarily HP fic, I was blown away by the incredible hotness of this, especially given that I'm not so much of a Riley fan. But I tend to like Draco, especially when he's written with enough vicious and bitter. The premise for the crossover is also quite effective. I love the (mostly-tangential) idea of the Watchers all attending Hogwarts.

At the Fifteenth Annual Mastermind Convention by Basingstroke. Smallville/Austin Powers, Lex Luthor/Scott Evil. Completely ridiculous and at least as adorable. Fun, hot, and really kind of brilliant.

Today's the day we have everything by pene. Bend It Like Beckham/Bring It On, Jess/Missy, NC-17. This is lovely -- really sweet, really hot, really good. I need to find more femslash, yum.

Close Your Eyes and Think of England by monimala. Veronica Mars/James Bond (played by Daniel Craig), R. Stylish and stylized, full of one-liners and sex. Awesome.

Good Deeds by sanyin. Good Omens/Supernatural, featuring Crowley, Aziraphale, Sam, and Dean, PG-13. Clever, amusing snippet with a great punchline that makes me laugh out loud whenever I think of it. Unlikely to make much sense unless you've read Good Omens and are at least a little familiar with Supernatural.


good omens, buffyverse, crossovers, james bond, bring it on, supernatural, austin powers, basingstroke, pene, monimala, harry potter series, sanyin, veronica mars, dale edmonds, recs, bend it like beckham, smallville

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