In an effort to combat my recent Supernatural single-mindedness, here's a list of 5 crossover recs involving 10 different fandoms. There will definitely be more crossover rec lists in the near future, as in the queue already are 4 more involving Lex Luthor (I swear, Lex would have chemistry with a rock), and several others of varying fandoms besides. But for now, 5 wonderful, if a bit cracktastic, fics -- 1 het, 2 slash, 1 femslash (yay!), and 1 gen.
L'Heure Blue by Dale Edmonds. Harry Potter/Buffyverse, Draco/Riley. The author's website is down, so this link is to Found in my early days of reading primarily HP fic, I was blown away by the incredible hotness of this, especially given that I'm not so much of a Riley fan. But I tend to like Draco, especially when he's written with enough vicious and bitter. The premise for the crossover is also quite effective. I love the (mostly-tangential) idea of the Watchers all attending Hogwarts.
At the Fifteenth Annual Mastermind Convention by Basingstroke. Smallville/Austin Powers, Lex Luthor/Scott Evil. Completely ridiculous and at least as adorable. Fun, hot, and really kind of brilliant.
Today's the day we have everything by
pene. Bend It Like Beckham/Bring It On, Jess/Missy, NC-17. This is lovely -- really sweet, really hot, really good. I need to find more femslash, yum.
Close Your Eyes and Think of England by
monimala. Veronica Mars/James Bond (played by Daniel Craig), R. Stylish and stylized, full of one-liners and sex. Awesome.
Good Deeds by
sanyin. Good Omens/Supernatural, featuring Crowley, Aziraphale, Sam, and Dean, PG-13. Clever, amusing snippet with a great punchline that makes me laugh out loud whenever I think of it. Unlikely to make much sense unless you've read Good Omens and are at least a little familiar with Supernatural.