Catching up on memes for ifeelfinite

Sep 09, 2005 13:09

Lits 12 characters:
1) Lestat de Lioncourt (well, he had to be first, didn't he?)
2) Maurice Hall
3) Clive Durham
4) Alec Scudder
5) Severus Snape
6) Sirius Black
7) Remus Lupin
8) Sebastian Flyte
9) Captain Jack Sparrow (SEX!) *ahem*
10) Mr Darcy *fans self*
11) Brian Slade
12) Charles Ryder

Read and comment- you know you want to! XP Trust me. It's slash.

1. Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to?
Sirius Black and Brian Slade? No, I haven't read any. But I could see it working. I think Brian could see a bit of Curt Wilde in Sirius.

2. Do you think Four is hot? How hot?
Scudder is hot. Very hot. He can smoulder and he has lovely hair. However, Maurice thinks he is hotter ;-p

3. What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant?
AWWWW!!! SO cute! Well, Charles would look after Sebastian very well. They would get a little cottage somewhere picturesque, with river nearby (so they can go boating and have picnics). SO CUTE!!!

4. Can you rec any fic(s) about Nine?
Heh heh heh. Go to a website called Parley Archive (if it's working). You'll see.

5. Would Two and Six make a good couple?
No really. I think Sirius is a bit flighty for darling Maurice.

6. Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why?
Snape/Captain Jack? YES! It would be like Sparrington, only Snarrington!
Snape/Mr Darcy? YES! They could be all horrible and arrogant to each other, then fight, then fall in a lake to cool off, then...let things take their course. Heh.
Gods, both of those paringing involve very hot-making clothing...

7. What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex?
Hmm...Maurice and Charles would make quite a good pairing. But I think Remus would probably faint ^_^

8. Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic.
Mr Darcy requires a new gamekeeper for his huge estate. However, he hadn't quite reckoned on the gamekeeper being as keen on taking dips in the lake as he himself. And on one particularly scorching day, they meet in the lake. Darcy loses track of time, staring at his lithe gameskeeper disporting himself, and unexpectedly collapses from heatstroke, nearly drowning himself in the process. He wakes up in the boathouse (Oh come one! How could I not?), being resuscitated by said gameskeeper, which has more than a reviving affect on him. Weeks of torment follow, only to come to a climax one night, when he hears a knock on his 2nd floor bedroom window (had to put the ladder in, too)...

9. Is there any such thing as One/Eight fluff?
Well, with Sebastian, it'd have to be fluff. But I don't think Lestat would be able to cope with him very well.

10. Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic.
"Ivy in the full moonlight"

11. What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four to deflower One?
*dies* Lestat/Scudder?! HELL YEAH!!! Hmmm...well, Scudder would lure Lestat to the boathouse, and allow him to drink his blood, only to then overpower him (hit him with a ladder?) and then commence with the deflowering!
I might just go and have a cold shower at this point...

12. Does anyone on your friends list read Seven slash?
Just about everyone...^_^

13. Does anyone on your friends list read Three het?
I should hope not!!!

14. Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven?
I...don't think so.

15. Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five?
Maurice/Alec/Snape? Probably Marauder...

16. What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion?
...I need to go and have another shower...

17. If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, which song would you choose?
Something dreamy...Ooh! "Love of my life" by Queen, to Charles. *sniff*

18. If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warnings be?
Lestat/Sirius/Charles? Well, blood (obviously). Probably violence.

19. What might be a good pick-up line for Two to use on Ten?
"Umm...have you ever read 'The Symposium'?"
(And you know what, I bet he has!)

20. When was the last time you read a fic about Five?
Some time ago...but it's always good!

21. What is Six's super-secret kink?
DOGGY-STYLE!!! Immature, I know, but it had to be said.

22. Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober?
Probably! Yeah- oooh, think about all the things they could do with eyeliner!

23. If Three and Seven get together, who tops?
Clive and Remus?...They would NEVER get round to having sex!

24. "One and Nine are in a happy relationship until Nine suddenly runs off with Four. One, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve, then follows the wise advice of Five and finds true love with Three." What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it.

Lestat and Captain Jack are in a happy relationship (HOT!) until Captain Jack suddenly runs off with Scudder (also HOT!). Lestat, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Brian Slade (yumm...) and a brief unhappy affair with Charles, then follows the wise advice of Snape and finds true love with Clive Durham. WHAT!! Lestat and Clive? Hang on a sec...oooh. That would be gooood. And Clive could finally get some!
Title: "Midnight Awakenings" (That sounds so filthy)
Everyone would read it...
Get writing people!!!

25. How would you feel if Seven/Eight was canon?
SOOOO CUTE!!! *squee!!* Just...AWWWW!

List 3 things that bug you - things that others may find trivial.
1) The word "just". It just diminishes and belittles things so much. "Just a kiss"- it is NEVER just kiss. "It's just a baby"- I don't care, make it shut up! etc.
2) People who assume that if something is unimportant to them, it won't matter to another person.
3) People who go around demanding "respect". You will only get respect if you deserve it, and you will only deserve it if you give it.

memes, slashy stuff, alexander

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