I thought I would write up something that happened on Thursday that's had me smiling ever since.
So I trudge back home after an interview, it is cold, I am tired etc. On opening the door I am greeted by an excited
obsidian_sphinx , who shall be known as "O":
O: Wolwolwol, do you want the good news or the bad news?
W (me): ...What's the bad news?
O: ...Actually, there isn't any bad news. I got you a cat, I think.
W: *goes into kitchen, where indeed there is a cat happily nomming tuna and water*
O: I saw it wandering up and down the street yowling and following people. I think it's a stray, idk
W: Awoozywoozywoozy (This is directed at the cat, btw)
Cat: *wander over, flomps down, purrs* (I have mad cat-wrangling skills)
W: Darling, this is next door's cat.
O: Oh...
So we made a big fuss of it for a bit longer and took it back round (it purred when I picked it up :3).
But hopefully it will now know us as the nice monkeys that let it in when it was cold and fed it tuna.
And, albeit briefly, we had a cat, and it was Good :)