happy new years everyone :D
the party last night was so much fun :) lmao there was so many people there, and we played heaps of stupid games like red rover and in the pool we made whirlpools and played battle ships and marco polo :DDD
i really liked one of the guys there but dfnhskdhfsd dont want to talk about it in my public journal >:O
this year (hrm, last year actually o_O) wasnt to bad, and i have thought of a name for it already: "screw you *my worst enemies name here*" (sorry, i dont want to write her name just incase ^^;)
becuase she decided she was TEW KEWLIEZ!!!1 and dumped me and lost all her other friends whereas i made stacks of new ones and found out everyone hated her anyway and she was giving me a bad name :D
ohhhhhhhh i got my package from livii yesterday :DDD it had a tiny little fuzzy purple heart key chain with silvery wings and a packets of soda flavoured pinky mints, these delicious little fizzy asian candies :D
ughhh last night i spent so much money txting people on my mobile ^^; lmao, mum will kill me when my bill comes in :P
geez my ebtries are never this long! lol, i doubt anyone is still reading this :P but yes, in conclusion
edit:/ lmfao i found the pink mint home page:
http://www.pinkymonkey.com.tw/ HOW CUTE IS IT?! :OO