Sometimes I just don't get age limits. I bought a DVD box of BBC's Murder Rooms, about the young Arthur Conan Doyle and Joseph Bell, and it's K-15 (unsuitable for children under 15 years of age). Yet is has about as much authentic violence as the Hercule Poirot tv-series, and no sex (or, well, I cannot imagine a 15-year-old who would be traumatized by a few whores who aren't shown doing anything else than talking).
What I don't get is that I saw The Curse of the Golden Flower last week, and it too is K-15. After Pan's Labyrinth, I have been wary of K-15 movies that appear to have gotten that rating because of violence, but Nyt made Golden Flower sound more like a court melodrama, dammit, and it does even begin as one (with some slow-motion sword handling, which is cool, not gross). Towards the end, however, the film made me feel physically ill. As my ability to watch violent movies is close to nil, much more so than, apparently, most people's, I'm not saying that The Curse of the Golden Flower should be K-18. Just that maybe Murder Rooms could be like, I don't know, K-11? Argh.
And now, a meme from
1. Go to
2. Sign in with the username nycareers using the password landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions. There are 39 of them, and the link is in the upper left corner.
4. Post the top ten results.
6.Art Director
7.Special Effects Technician
8.Website Designer
9.Costume Designer
10.Fashion Designer
My personal favourite, though, is number 11: Enlisted Member of the Armed Forces. Librarian is only 18th, after clergy (number 16)!
Archivist was 1st when I did the test for the first time some years ago; now it's writer, followed by architect.