We went to our local Faire yesterday for our friend’s vow renewal ceremony. Little Prince fits much better into the outfit that Zee made for him last year (and we still have to pin it a bit, since she cut the necks HUGE). The day turned out to be cold and rainy, but we still had a great time. Maybe it was because the crowds were smaller or maybe because we were out so much last year that we’ve started to recognize and be recognized by the regulars, but we had way more interactions with cast and others this year than in previous years. Or maybe it was just how cute LP is. Two different gypsies asked me his price (he’s much too young to sell to them yet) and I had to keep a close eye on him when the fae were around so they wouldn’t steal him away.
The vow renewal ceremony went well. Afterwards we went to the Fest Hall for a feast. The food was good and the company was delightful. There was a little girl there, T, who had just turned 3. She and LP were running around chasing each other, and then her shoe fell off. I caught what happened on video.
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Why yes, we’ve been watching a lot of Cinderella at our house lately, how did you know?
Originally published at
my baby blog. Please leave any
comments there.