One week + one day until my last day of classes.
- Adv. Digitization
- Create 15 minute presentation about paper - due Monday April 28
- Digital Media Collections
- Do readings for tomorrow
- Do readings for last class.
- CTG - final documentation/presentation due May 1
- Finalize ideas for Web 2.0/Video options.
- Help to start writing up documentation
- Edit final documentation
- Work on presentation
- Texas Past - final documentation/presentation due May 1
- Talk to Prof about changes that need to be made to database design after yesterday's conversation with client
- Update ERD and Data Dictionary
- Write up info about metadata/metadata schemas/Dublin Core
- Write up possibilities for mapping fields to Dublin Core
- Write up ideas about interoperability
- Write up ideas about following NISO standards
- Re-update ERD and Data Dictionary
- Work on presentation
- Meet with Client on May 12
- New Media Research 25-30 page paper - due May 13
- Start really pulling research together
- Look into reading suggested by prof
- Start writing the whole thing
- Write the whole thing
- Edit it
- Turn it in!
- Work
- Help pull together list of unpublished materials that need to be published
- Finish editing Mail Merge tutorial video already
- Keep up with end of the semester insanity
- House stuff
- Empty/refill dishwasher
- Eat lunch
- Other Stuff
- Go to New Orleans for Jazz Fest
- Look into registering for and figuring out everything that goes along with attending
- SSA - not going
- Join ACM
- Email person who offered a room about said room
- Register for conference
- Figure out flights
- Make poster for SSA - not needed cause I'm not going
- Work/meetings for Game Scholar project
Not too too bad...I think. At least I am really starting to feel better (finally).