A little less than 3 weeks until the end of the semester. This is a mixed list of stuff to do both this week and through to the end of the semester.
- Math
- Problem set for Monday
- Readings for Monday
- Readings for next Monday
- Start computing 3 - due Dec. 3 at start of class
- Databases
- Read 3 chapters on PHP & MySQL - 2 done.
- Assignment 7 (Video Game DB) with crabes and PS - due Dec. 5 at start of class
- Help create input forms for data (using PHP) - made a nice Forms landing page.
- Communicate with group about which video games, designers, companies, etc to enter into database and split up work
- Enter appropriate data into database - did some of that!
- Help create queries and reports of queries
- Help revise current documentation to reflect any changes we made to project
- Figure out how to turn everything in to professor
- Read other readings for next week
- Management
- Read stuff on Leadership
- Write leadership post to BB - due Nov. 21 by 11:30pm
- E-Portfolio - due Dec 5 by 11:30pm
- Annotate last article
- Write up management competencies thing
- Write Personal Leadership Agenda
- Check over resume
- Write statement of intent
- Create memo to boss? (not sure if part of portfolio or not)
- Write better intro for homepage and major sub-pages.
- Have someone check over entire portfolio for good grammar, well written sentences, etc.
- Post URL to BB
- Group Planning Document for Instructional Space at the New Building - Due Dec. 9 by 11:30pm
- Update Gantt chart for group's timeline
- Write up section on which group members did/are doing what (can be edited from earlier post)
- Help grant team with their budget
- Help revise budget based on feedback from draft (haven't gotten draft back yet...)
- Participate in final editing process
- Put final paper together
- Create table of contents (can Word do this for me? Ah ha, it can, if we use "heading") and cover page
- Post final paper (all components, including appendices and non-Word documents).
- Celebrate with group!
- Readings for next week
- Work
- Finish up recording Mail Merge video tutorial - still need to talk with Q about this
- Work on iMovie class with AA
- Teach iMovie class with AA
- Get through end of semester insanity
- Pick up kitchen
- Change sheets on bed
- Figure out dinner for tonight
- Find out more about Turkey Day Orphan's Dinner
- Go to store and buy stuff for Turkey day, also possibly for dinner tonight/tomorrow night
- Go to Karaoke tonight
- Watch Macy's Day Parade on Thurs. Morning. Hopefully while chatting with queencimmy
- Enjoy Turkey day with friends
- Go to Ren Faire on Saturday (I mean it this time!) - too cold/rainy to go. Sadness.
- Fall over, go boom
And the fun part? That's not everything I have to do by the end of the semester...