Got home a little while ago from seeing
Cowboy Mouth at the
Nutty Brown Cafe.
The Nutty Brown Cafe is an awesome venue. There are tables and you can sit down and have dinner and then there's a stage and a dance area in front of it. It's kind of like a restaurant and an outdoor concert hall all bundled together. There's even a sandbox for kids to play in.
The Cowboy Mouth show was a very different show than the one we saw earlier this week. Lots of high energy and jumping and screaming and I'm amazed that I can still talk. They played a mix of their songs (both new and old) and covers.
The cutest thing was a little girl on her daddy's shoulders trying to figure out how to throw double devil horns. Little punk rocker in the making!
The funniest bit was when they launched into "Walk this Way" and Fred was all like, "I don't know the words right here." but he kept singing/making shit up anyway.
There was a guy standing next to me from New Orleans. He was wearing a Saints shirt. I pegged him as a Brother Martin guy and I was right :). At one point we both shouted out "Who Dat?" and Fred was all like, "the Colts" and so we had to boo. But later Fred put on his Saints hat because John Thomas, the guitarists was from Texas and wearing a Cowboys tee. Also the other guitarist had a gold guitar with a fleur-de-lis on it :)
I knew I would cry if they played either "Home" or "The Avenue." They played the latter and I totally cried the whole time. Earlier in the night they played "New Orleans" and I started to choke up, which surprised me, because I wasn't expecting it.
They didn't sing "Hurricane Party," but they did end their set with "Jenny Says." Towards the end of it, they had the lights guy turn the lights off and had us all crouch down on the ground and then when they gave the cue we all jumped up and screamed and it was awesome.
When they were done we all screamed and yelled so loudly that they did their first ever encore in Austin. yay!!
After the show was over, I went up and said hi to Fred and he noticed me immediately because I was wearing my NOCCA shirt :)
Also, at the concert, we met some really cool pagan biker people who like to read Harry Potter. :)
Btw, Cowboy Mouth is going to be playing in New Orleans on Friday, my birthday, at the CAC. So all y'all NOLA folks better go see them for me, while I'm here in Austin playing