Jun 21, 2005 13:08
So, I woke this morning in an irritated anticipation of my French class: Intensive French Level 2, also known as, “perform for me you awkward anglaphone monkey”.
I arrived. Sure, I slipped into English a few times, but something new was happening: she was actually teaching us something! Well, almost. We looked over random irregular ER verbs in nous and vous form. For once, I was on my game. I knew mangEons, and reverting back to the infinitive’s use of accents over the second E, etc.
Then - un surprise! - my professeur takes me aside to let me know that I am actually the stupidest awkward monkey of the bunch, and she is kicking me - and me alone - out of level 2, into level 1 French.
Regretfully, but with an open mind, I walk down one floor (yes, very appropriate) to meet my new class…
By new class I am referring to the table of awkward, deformed retards lead by a slightly more excited retard, which all greeted me by waving their hands around while excitedly chanting: “Bonjrrrr! Bonjrrr!”
Soon we got into the tough stuff:
“OKAY CLASS! This is a girl! So we say… LA!”
Class: “luuh”
smiling teacher: “LaaaAAHHH”
Class: “leehghy”
Teacher, obviously having an acid flashback, now prancing around: “LAAHHHH”
Class: “luhg. Leeh. Laagh… LAH!”
At lunch time, I ran upstairs to tell my level two teacher that this class may not be for me.
Teacher: “but anne, you are below this class. BE-LOOOW” (she pushed her hand down just to further crush my self esteem while smiling brightly).
Me: “oui, je sais, mais je veux une challenge. If you could just give me a text book, I can go home each night and study on my own. Catch up. I don’t need to get the top mark in the class, but certainly I could pass with some hard work.”
Teacher: *looking at me for a second curiously* “…BE-LOOWWW”
Level 2 prof said she would talk to level 1 prof over lunch, and I could discuss the issue with them after class.
I let her know that, if I were unable to rejoin her class, I would have to drop the course.
(because, sorry, but my daddy is not going to pay $2000 for his daughter to be publicly insulted, when she could make use of better public services for free, like a French library.)