Master Post

Apr 16, 2014 10:12

Master Post of Fics

A/N:  This is a list of my fics, obviously. They're all J2 and AU. Most of them are rated NC17 (cuz of the sex) and none of them are beta'd. I included both of my WIP. I plan to finish both of them, but there ya go.

One Good Dead

Jensen is the owner of a small bookstore, and Jared is the vet a local animal clinic. One random day, Jensen finds a small stray, and one good deed....

Open Mic Night

Jared is a third year college student working at a coffeeshop that hosts an open mic night. Jensen is a shy computer tech that plays guitar. They meet, fall in love. These are just a bunch of seriously fluffy ficlets. I use them to appease my sudden, intense lust for all things shy!Jensen.

Finding Peace When You've Been Looking Too Hard

Jensen discovers that finding peace is not something that you find in a how-to book. He's bought the perfect little farm, adopted the perfect dog, and even tried his hand at gardening, but it's just not quite right. Jared is a irate vet that just wants his dog to stay out of Jensen's yard.

The Art of Riding Trains and Sleeping On Strangers

Jensen falls asleep on a strange man while riding the train to work. He is scheduled to present plans to a client later in the day. Surprise, surprise!! The client turns out to be the stranger from the train.

Can Drunken!Jensen Be The Title?    (a drabble)

Jensen gets drunk and gives Jared a bit of a surprise revelation.  A fluffy drabble.

First Impressions Aren't For Me

Jensen has a nice life. Calm, quiet, and carefully structured. His annoying, loud downstairs neighbor doesn't really care. Jared has just graduated from college and is truly on his own for the first time. He loves the freedom, but the rude, uptight dude that lives above him keeps messing with his fun. Bet ya can't guess where this is going...

Riding In On A Mellow Wave   (WIP)

Jared, a tense college student with a flair for clumsiness, meets freelance writer Jensen at a local farmer's market. Lots of fuzzy, schmoopy, PWP occurs. It seems the angst of my RL just doesn't translate onto LJ. Weird, huh?

Bowled Over  (WIP)

Jensen is the new kid at school after losing his parents in a car wreck. Jared meets him their first day of senior year. Angst and boy loving ensue.

fic, masterpost, au, jared/jensen

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