Open Mic Night part 7

Apr 19, 2010 20:00

Open Mic Night part 7

Pairing:  Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC17
Warnings:  Punctuation that makes me glad no one here knows me, boy smexing, and language.
Disclaimer:  I own a cat and a honda. I don't own Jared and Jensen. Yet.
Summary:  Jared snags himself a shy, guitar playing Jensen while working the open mic shift at a coffeehouse. It's so fluffy and angstless that it could substitute for a feather pillow.

Part 6

Part 7:

Jared woke up slowly, aware of a weight against his stomach. Cracking one eye open, he gazed up at an unfamiliar ceiling for a moment. Smiling softly, he turned his head. Jensen was sprawled beside him, one arm draped across Jared's abs and his mouth slightly parted.  Jared sighed silently at the realization that he had to pee and carefully slid out of the warm bed.

He padded down the hallway, wood floor chilly below his feet, and found the bathroom. He flicked on the light and waited for his eyes to adjust to the intrusion of light. Blinking, he looked around. The room was done in shades of dark green and blue. Worn towels hung from a shower door, and a razor sat beside the sink. The faucets were all old and Jared took a moment to study the claw footed tub and shallow basin that graced the small room.

Jared hadn't expected Jensen to be so domestic. He had no way to rationalize that, but he had built this idea of Jensen as something else.  He hadn't imagined the huge yard and joyful dogs, paintings displayed for and by a sister that obviously came by often, and rooms that were clean of dust and clutter.

He'd expected Jensen to have clutter.

Jared winced at the sound of the toilet flushing, and moved back down the hall. Jensen was in the same position as he'd left him, and Jared smiled at the peaceful figure. Early morning light painted him in shadows, leaving the quiet man in shades of gray. Jared closed his eyes briefly, fear welling in his chest at the emotion he felt.

He'd expect love to feel different. He wasn't giddy or aching to belt out love songs in a smoky bar. He wanted to help repair a broken fence and make coffee for his lover.

He'd expected Jensen to have clutter.

Everything was all clean lines and simple. Jared honestly didn't know what to do. He'd expected to be conflicted and torn, but all he felt was relief. It was confusing....not being confused.

Yeah, maybe he'd find where Jensen kept his coffee.

Jared puttered around the kitchen, mildly amused by the mismatched dishes and yard sale appliances he found. The fridge was stocked with fruit and he found coffee in the freezer. A dented percolator sat on the stove, and Jared carefully scooped grounds into the top. He left the coffee to perk and went into the living room.

Huge, sorrowful eyes greeted him, and he barely kept from laughing out loud at the dogs piled onto the couch. "Sorry, guys," he whispered, guessing that they had lost their places on Jensen's bed the night before. He gestured at the backdoor and the dogs were eager to follow him into the yard. Dew had fallen and Jared stood in the damp grass, his toes curling as he watched the dogs sniff around. The sun was beginning to rise, and Jared closed his eyes as he took a deep breath.

He spent a long time just watching the dogs playing and listening to the birds. He shook himself slightly when he heard steps on the deck behind him, and he smiled at the cup that suddenly found his hand. Jensen stood beside him on the tidy lawn, silently watching Sadie fling herself at a mouthy squirrel. Jared snorted, lifting the cup to his mouth.

Wow, so campfire coffee had a lot going for it.  Jensen's entire life was so different than what he'd pictured, and he felt vaguely ashamed. "You're not what I expected," he muttered. Jensen turned to study him for a moment before smiling. "Yeah? Is that a good thing?"

Jared nodded. Jensen smiled a little wider and turned back to the glistening yard. "Feeling's mutual, Jared."


They spent the morning moving the broken branches and repairing Jensen's broken fence. Jensen made sandwiches for lunch. Jared tried not to swoon at the sight of Jensen splatting mustard across bread, but he felt so content it almost hurt. He crossed his fingers and ate his ham on wheat.

Jensen's guitar stood on it's stand in the living room, and Jared studied it as they sprawled across his worn and comfy couch.



"Do you ever play anywhere else?"

Jensen nodded, his eyebrows coming together slightly in thought. "Um, yeah. Chris and Steve invite me sometimes. Depends."

"Will you play for me?"

Jensen turned to study Jared, his face thoughtful. "I think I've been playing for you for a long time."

Jared beamed and threw his body across Jensen. Laughing, he kissed a trail across Jensen's scruffy jaw and down his throat. Jensen arched his back, pressing into him, and Jared pressed back. Warm hands wandered up his back, toying with his spine before tugging the offending garment over Jared's head.

Jared dropped a quick kiss onto Jensen's lips and slid off the couch, tugging Jensen's legs apart and pulling his body closer. Jensen stared with hooded eyes as Jared's clever fingers yanked his jeans open and wrapped around his hardening cock.

He kept his eyes on Jensen as he took the other man into his mouth. He toyed with the head, watching Jensen squirm, before plunging all the way to the base. He moaned at the musky scent as he buried his nose in coarse hair and began humming.

Jensen whimpered as Jared's hand cupped his balls and his tongue traced up the thick vein that ran along his dick. Jared lost himself in the sensation as he bobbed up and down. Jensen's fingers buried themselves in Jared's hair as precome coated Jared's tongue. Jensen's balls drew up, but Jared ignored Jensen's strangled warning, swallowing the hot pulses as Jensen pressed deep into his throat.

Slowly pulling away, Jared smiled softly at the panting man in front of him. Jensen opened dazed eyes, and smiled back.



"This, us, it's really...good, isn't it?"

Jensen pulled Jared closer, tasting himself in Jared's mouth. "Yeah, baby, It's really good."

A/N:  This was sorta choppy. I've had it sitting on my LJ for a month, and I can't get the ending to be what I want. Eh, there can always be a part 8, right?

Comment's are like crack without the nasty side effects....

fic, open mic night, au, jared/jensen

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