One Good Deed....Part Ten ( NC17) Jared/Jensen AU

Dec 14, 2009 17:38

One Good Deed...10/10

Rating: NC17
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Warnings: Naughty boys doing and saying naughty things.
Disclaimer: I own my kinks, no one else's.

Summary: Erm, why is this so fraking hard?! Jared and Jensen meet over the tragic tail (heh) of an abused kitten. Lots of love and sex ensue. There was an amazing lack of angst til last chapter, and then I up and shot Jensen in the chest (after I mugged him). So now we come to the end of this little story. Let's celebrate with porn.

One Good Deed.... 9/10 here:

One Good Deed...Part Ten

Jared listened to the low murmur of the television as he washed dishes. He felt more content than he could ever remember feeling, and he let it sink into his belly and down to his toes. Jensen was sprawled out across their bed, dozing through whatever dvd he'd put in while Jared rocked his newly found domestic vibe.

He threw down the damp tea towel and padded down the hall to the bedroom. Jensen was slumped against the headboard, the lights from the tv flashing across his sleeping form.

The last few weeks had been difficult for his lover, and Jared had found himself falling even more in love with the bookseller. Jensen had never complained about the physical therapy, and he did his homework faithfully every night. Jared made him do the strengthing exersizes shirtless so he could enjoy the play of muscles as Jensen concentrated.

Smiling, Jared pulled his clothes off and crawled across the bed to Jensen's peaceful form. He slowly traced his finger along the chisled jawline and across plush lips. The doctor had given them orders to be extremely careful in all physical ventures, and Jared smirked to himself at the awkwardness of that particular conversation.

Stealthily, Jared slid loose sweats down, working them over Jensen's hips and down bowed legs. He took a moment to sit back on his heels and admire the prone figure before him.

Shaking his head slightly to clear the lust that was fogging his mind, Jared gently took Jensen's flaccid length in one large palm. Jensen's eyelashes fluttered slightly as he hardened in Jared's hand. Smiling, Jared leaned forward to lap at the tip, tracing down the thick vein and back up again. Jensen groaned softly, his cock swelling rapidly as Jared took the head inside his mouth, bobbing down an inch at a time until his nose was buried in musky curls.

Jensen jerked awake as Jared sucked harder, humming. "J-J-Jared? Oh, fuck. Wha..." Jensen arched up as he became aware of his surroundings.

Jared smiled around Jensen's dick as he felt fingers tug at his hair, winding through the strands. Pulling back a little, Jared carefully ran his teeth down the sensitive skin, relishing the smell and sounds, the taste of his lover.

Pulling off with a loud pop, Jared slid up Jensen's body, kissing a trail as he pulled the cotton t-shirt up and over Jensen's head. Smiling, Jensen pulled Jared's head down to kiss him hungrily. Tongues clashing, they moved in a silent dance until Jensen was laying on his side, his back against Jared's chest.

"Jensen?" Jared's voice was soft, hopeful as Jensen snuggled into him. "Mmm?" "Do you think, if we're careful?" Jared spoke hesitantly. They hadn't had sex since the shooting, and his body and mind ached to be inside Jensen.

Nodding, Jensen reached back to cup Jared's dick, already so heavy with desire. Jared ground himself into Jensen's hand even as he fumbled for the lube.

Jensen let Jared do all the work as he pulled Jensen's leg over his own, working him open enough to press two long fingers against his prostate. "Jared!" Jensen keened, unable to press back against Jared's fingers.

Jared finally pulled his hand away and lined the leaking tip of his cock up with Jensen's loosened hole. Closiing his eyes in an attempt to gain control, he pressed in slowly, reveling in the tight heat that encirled him. Jensen moaned, dropping his head back against Jared's chest.

Jared slowly began to thrust in and out of Jensen, pushing a little farther in before pulling out again, the head of his cock catching on the puckered hole before slowly sliding back in.

Jensen's body moved in rhythm with Jared, his thigh curved over Jared's legs so that his body was almost spread on top of Jared's. Sliding his hand across the scar and down into coarse curls, Jared began jacking him off even as the pressure began to make his balls pull up.

Jared kept the slow, torturous movements until Jensen suddenly gave a soft shout, clamping down on Jared's cock as hot ropes of come spurting across both their chests.

Jared's body arched up, slamming one last time into Jensen's ass as he came. Jared clung to him as he let the world white out briefly.

Jensen lay quietly, panting, until Jared became cognizant enough to pull out, then he snuggled himself against him. Jared smiled lazily, running his fingers through Jensen's hair. They fell asleep quickly, tangled together.


Jared woke to soft snoring, and he lay quietly in the dark bedroom as Jensen's body moved slightly against his as he breathed.

Jared eventually eased himself out of Jensen's arms, carefully arranging his body against pillows. He got ready in the dim light of drawn blinds, tip toeing down the hall to start the coffee.

Jensen's parents had been amazing, surprising Jared with laughter and support that he hadn't known in a long time. They'd welcomed him into their small family so easily that it left him reeling, left him feeling cracked open. He had never intended for Jensen to become so important to him and as time progressed he'd been so glad when his walls had broken down, but when the Ackles clan had silently taken him in--made him a part of the family so readily--it broke something inside him.

Jared started feeling whole again. He didn't feel that numbness coating his belly anymore, not even a tendril of it remained. He had fallen into such an easy relationship with Mac when they had first met, and then Jensen's parents had somehow snuck in and now, well, now he didn't know what to expect.

He made coffee and left it to brew, writing a note in case Jensen woke to find him gone.

I'll be back soon. I love you.

He had someplace to be.


Alan was waiting for him at the coffeeshop, and smiled when Jared slid into the booth across from him. Jared cleared his throat nervously, letting the waitress bring him a steaming cup of Sumatra as they chatted about Jensen's steady progress and the amount of change he'd implemented at the bookstore.

Alan was proud of his son, and Jared felt it as strongly as if he were Jensen himself. Alan loved his son deeply, and Jared wanted to do things right for once.

"Alan, I have a question to ask you."


Jensen was slumped over a dark green mug, his eyes still bleary with sleep, when Jared came back. Harley and Sadie perked their heads up briefly before settling back down at Jensen's bare feet. They'd gone into full on protector mode when Jensen had come back from the hospital and that obviously wasn't changing soon.

Dusk regarded him with amber eyes before sauntering off to her food bowl, her gait only slightly hindered by the abuse she'd suffered.

Jared's family, albeit oddly matched, were all assembled. He smiled to himself at the thought and knelt beside Jensen.

Jensen cocked his head to one side, reaching out to touch Jared's cheek. "Baby, you ok?" he asked quietly, his voice rough with sleep. Jared nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, Jensen I am." Fumbling a box out of his coat pocket, he looked up into his lover's green eyes.

"Marry me?"

The End

Ok, so maybe that wasn't how I'd planned to end this. I hadn't really planned to shoot Jensen, either. My mind, people, is a weird and sneaky place to be. Anyway, I'm debating between leaving it as such or making a new storyline from this AU. I don't know. What do you think?

Comments are like bunnies and wildflowers....

one good deed, fic, au, jared/jensen

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