Hey y'all - I'm still alive!

Apr 07, 2010 01:28

Wow was today a good day. Love the simple things!

1. Beautiful temperatures and sunny blue skies - it actually feels like Spring is really here.
2. I has chocolates coming from Belgium, which reminds me I need to pay Bene for them. Sorry Bene! Just waiting for my cheque on Thursday!
3. First golf tournament meeting was tonight and it was really good. Loved seeing everyone again. And managed to get the next meeting the day after I come back from Mexico.
4. Oh yeah, less than three weeks to Mexico! Woot! Massage and facial is already booked.
5. Spent some time with the bro and that is always good.
6. After I got home, Mario called me wanting to know if I wanted to go to the late showing of Clash of the Titans. Had to see it in 3D as that's all the theatre had, but it wasn't too bad, and the movie itself was pretty good. Sam is so pretty when he's all grungy. Also saw the trailer for The Losers, so that made me happy. JDM - UNF Sir!
7. Mario even bought me a Big Mac meal after the movie. That was my McD's for April. I only allow myself to go once a month. At least I'm trying to keep it down to that.
8. I might be driving Mario's car out to Vancouver next month, and he'll buy my flight back. Would be a lot easier and cheaper than almost any other way, so it will be nice for both of us. I just need to get two days off together, and that shouldn't be too hard.
9. I might get socks tomorrow! How exciting! :)

So yeah, that's a pretty damn good day if I do say so myself!
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