A Little Update

Mar 05, 2011 14:47

I'm frustrated with my schooling right now. I'm talking about my classes for my masters degree. To be honest one of the classes I'm loving. I really am enjoying it and I find myself thinking about the things I'm learning and studying there. The other class is TERRIBLE. It's killing me and I've never been less motivated. To begin with the class is run poorly. The professor is new and it's SO clear she is. She's very behind on grading, the assignments don't match the rubrics, each week the class (online) opens on Monday instead of Sunday, so we don't have the chance to look things over on the weekend. She always seems to be scrambling and I'm not getting anything out of the class. To add to it, this is one of the final classes I'm taking in the degree, and the class is intended to be taken by people who are in their second semester. So most of the assignments are not aimed at me, and I'm feeling fairly frustrated. A big part of the class is visiting libraries and getting some experiences in them, at meetings, and in the library world in general. Now I don't mean to be snotty here, but I'm way past needing these things! I'm already going to these meetings, I'm already in a library, I'm already making a name for myself in my district. At this point, librarians come to me for help throughout the district. I even get requests from teachers in other schools because their librarian suggested me. I just feel like the things this class is trying to teach me are not really needed at this point.
The good news is the other class is right where I need to be. I'm doing really well in it. This class is essentially a mini-thesis. My professor has been very pleased with my work so far and has mentioned she probably can help me get the paper published once I finish it. I'm excited about that and I'm excited at the topic and how I think it will influence my school and district.
Work is also going remarkably well. I am finally getting teachers to collaborate with me, and I'm creating some really great new and exciting lessons. I also know where I need to go, because there are some major things I need to improve. But I'm aware of them, and I will keep honing my teaching until I get it, then I'll move on to something else I need help with! In the meantime I've managed to get an inventory done and I'm thrilled at how smoothly it went. I am not done yet, but my volunteers managed to do all the scanning and I am super excited at getting things in line in the library. Also my PAWS players are now visiting classes and performing. I'm glad I managed to get them in classes before spring break, next year I'm hoping for Jan. We'll see. It's funny, I have a lot of goals in my head but I haven't been writing them down. Regardless I'm slowly managing to move toward them. I should have them in writing, but the way I have to twist them to match an actual "action" plan isn't so great for me. I guess that's something else to work on. Ok I needed to get this rant out to move on with my life. Ha.
More on the personal front later....
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