There’s a storm coming.
I can feel it, the rising tension, the mounting pressures, my brain buzzes and my blood sings, oh yes storm’s a coming.
Today the sun is bright and warm, the breeze is cool and I feel fantastic, what does that have to do with the oncoming storm you ask? Maybe nothing…
I’ve stopped sleeping, well, that’s not entirely accurate, but it can be best described as napping, I have been napping about 2 hours a night for over a week now, but am I tired? Not even a little.
I have a song in my heart and on my lips, my veins are filled with fire, consuming me slowly from the inside, soon there will be only a gutted husk. Nervous, twitchy, sharp as a tack, excitable, distracted… my attention span is shrinking by the moment and my patience with it. My temper is short and volatile; I’ve been catapulted from reasonable to shaking with rage… not anger, rage, towering red tinted rage, then tears, then laughter, then comparative stillness, all within 10 minutes time.
Sleep will help me you say? Most likely, but it is an elusive creature, sleep. It’s not for lack of trying, over the last week I’ve taken enough sedatives to floor an elephant, to no avail, blazed up a damn forest, drank my weight in beer and screamed along to a few punk songs… My Irish seems to be commin’ out.
I need to fight, or fuck, or both.
Yes Precious, storm’s a brewin’, best get to cover.