Feb 17, 2009 22:26
Okay, that's quite enough of that. Earlier tonight I met with a guy from one of my classes to work on preparing for the midterm, though mainly what we did was identify where the information we needed was, i.e. in which page of what book or which lecture that bit of information was in so we could work on it on our own later, which is what I've been doing for the past hour or so.
Well, I'm halfway through condensing the material into a Word Document list of preliminary answers to the questions and my brain feels like it's about to melt, so I think it's time to stop. I usually avoid study groups because I never seem to be thinking in the same terms as everyone and jump around a lot in my thoughts, but this particular kid was able to keep up with me and vice-versa. It was a good feeling, and we got a lot done. I wonder if this kid is an INTJ too. He certainly agreed with me that our main books is denser than War and Peace, and that you have to be taking notes while reading it in order to get anything, so it's best taken in small doses.
And now, ironically, off to more reading. I think I'm going to end up having my head buried in a book for about half of this semester, not that I'm complaining.