May 12, 2011 18:50
When I called someone at work today he asked me for my full name, and when I told him he remarked that it sounded like "good Irish stock." His last name was Nolan, which funnily enough is the name of some people I'm related to. I laughed a little and thanked him.
Earlier this week a coworker remarked on fairly prominent a bruise I have on my hand (unrelated to the sink dropping incident), and I joked that it's part of the curse of white people that we bruise easily and it shows pretty clearly. That somehow turned into a conversation about an article they'd read about how there's been research that shows that pigment-wise Irish people are actually the whitest people in the world, and I said that given my experiences in Ireland, mainly how there's no sun because it's almost always raining, I certainly believe it! I know that in some fluorescent lights I wind up looking downright undead, and it's not like I don't get any sun since I walk practically everywhere, and I refuse to get artificially tanned because I'd rather not expose myself to that level of radiation, undead-looking or not.
Randomly, I've been practicing speaking Japanese to the cat, because they understand tone more than anything and it keeps it in my mind. He was having a moment of cat-crazies a moment ago so I asked him あなたは なにを しますか (what are you doing), though I'm not sure if he counts as an あなた. He's not really doing anything wrong, just being a crazy cat, so おまえ is a bit extreme, so maybe あんた works best. He seemed to get my tone and gave me the "Who, me?" look, but maybe that's because he knows he's being crazy. Hard to tell with them.