May 04, 2011 14:09
Good news: We have internet again.
Bad news: I need to go out and get a wifi router unless I want to go through the trouble of connecting my laptop to the modem directly with an ethernet cable. This isn't so bad since routers only run 30 or 40 bucks a piece and I have a Staples coupon anyway. It's also cheaper to just buy one than rent one from the company.
Good news: We have cable.
Bad news: They apparently gave us a shitty box that crapped out about an hour after it was installed. So they're sending another person out tonight to fix it. And I checked, they will not charge me for this since it's their fault. Otherwise I'd be pretty pissed.
Also I won't be doing a radio show today since it's too much trouble to run up to the school, since I'm now stuck here waiting for the tech.