Here Comes the Bride, but Where are the Grooms?

Oct 28, 2009 19:53

You read that right, there is only one bride and two grooms, and the bride was yours truly. At least it was me in the dream I had two nights ago.

The dream begins on the day of the wedding and everyone is frantically running around with preparations since I was not the only bride there. There were two other people getting married as well. I think the other brides were very distant cousins of mine.

Anyway while I am getting ready, someone comes up to me and tells me that they can’t find the groom or the “back up” groom. I have no idea how having a “back up” groom would work, but my brain apparently tells me I need a “back up” in case groom one
flakes. Though “back up” groom also flakes, so I might need a “back up back up” groom?

Aside from the missing grooms everything is going wrong. I am standing in a room in my wedding gown. I look in the mirror and see that the gown is an off the shoulder white ball gown. On the bodice it is an intricate design pattern with silver embroidery and crystals down to the drop waist. The dress was actually quite pretty aside from the fact that it was too big on me. So I’m standing in front of the mirror pinching the excess fabric from the side and thinking “great” not only are my grooms missing but my dress is too big.

But it doesn’t end there. I look at the mirror again and see that my hair is not done. My hair is longer than it is now and it is wavy like it was curled lightly beforehand and it just needs to be put up. Then I notice that my make up is not done yet either. So I go out of the room to try to find someone to help me with my problems, and find that everyone has gone to fuss over the other two brides and I am pretty much alone.

At this moment I am thoroughly irritated. I figure I am allowed to throw a hissy fit on my wedding day, so I find my mother and rant to her about how I can’t find my husband-to-be, my dress is too big, my hair isn’t done, my make up non-existent, and if everyone is too busy with the other brides to care about me, the next time I get married “for real” I’m going to elope! The “for real” comment was a bit odd, though I think by this point of the dream I might have been aware that I was dreaming.

Needless to say, I woke up very confused, and I have no idea who my husband-to-bes were though I had this feeling that my back up groom was one of my high school crushes.

ahhh!, love, random, omgwtf!, dreams, weddings

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