You Gotta Have Heart!

Jun 27, 2009 22:05

I finally got around to watch Terminator Salvation with nodiskette today and all I can say is I am disappointed.

As I told nodiskette when we got out of the theater. The movie was good until the plot showed up. I found the idea of Marcus Wright being a human/robot hybrid to be interesting when I saw the trailer. However, instead of taking this idea and making it a good and interesting plot, they went ahead and made it a cliche. From the moment Marcus Wright was revived in 2018, you knew that he would meet someone and that person would be the ones that say that "He's not a robot! He's human! Especially in his heart!" Okay, I'm fine with that. What really REALLY bothered me was near the end when Marcus goes and "activates" the computer in Skynet and is "synched" with the system. You would think that the super computers would be smart enough to control his brain since the brain is all about jolts of electricity, right? And the brain is also a super computer that controls our body. Apparently, the brain isn't as powerful as the heart. Since the heart is, naturally, where humans keep all their emotions and feelings. Who needs a brain when you have a heart?! So Marcus does the right thing and pull the chip from his head and gives the computers a F*** You. Like that wasn't predictable. I think I would have preferred it if the computer actually wiped his mind and made him suddenly go "Target: Kill John Conor" or something and he marches out and hunts down Connor. That would have been interesting, but totally unfair fight.

Anyways, that whole idea was just ridiculous to me. Also as nodiskette mentioned to me, this whole infiltration thing with a hybrid just to lure someone into their grasp just to kill John Connor is too manipulative to be something a computer would do. Humans I can see that because you would lure someone into a trap to make them suffer. I don't know many computers that revel in torture... then again the scanner in my office may fall into that category.

Another issue I had was during the final fight between Marcus and the Terminator didn't the terminator basically pulverize his heart since it was the "vulnerable" spot? Maybe Marcus has awesome ribs of steel that keep the terminator from pulverizing it, and because his heart is so "strong", which was mentioned several times in the movie, it survives allowing John Connor to defib him with some electric cables and he's back!

Watching that scene made me have flash backs to Matrix: Reloaded where Neo jump starts Trinity's heart with his hands.

Then after Connor is stabbed in the heart by a pipe, I'm surprised that he could still walk pretty decently with Marcus by his side to the helicopter. Then the line "his heart can't take it" at the very end made me groan once again. Obviously, someone has a heart to spare. Which sucks for Marcus since he's revived in a world that doesn't know his past crimes, and he definitely is pretty damn useful since you've got a human with a skeleton of steel or whatever terminators are made of. He's like Wolverine of the Terminator series. Unfortunately, he has to show his "human" side and literally give his heart to Connor because we need Connor's BRAIN to survive the up coming war. Wait, I thought this movie all about heart?!

Though I have to say the Governator cameo was pretty well done. He looked like the 1984 terminator, which I thought was cool. I also have to agree that Aton Yelchin was good as Kyle Reese.

Another thing that irks me in movies, in general, is when they have a foreign actor playing an American and they lose their accents. Several times in the movie Worthington seems to forget he's playing an American and his accents slips in. It is most prominent in the scene when he is a prisoner and hanging in chains talking to John Connor. And this also goes for Americans playing foreign roles too. Slips like that never cease to make me laugh.

Also there were so many moments in the movie that I felt like I was watching another movie. When Bale was riding the termicycle then scaling some tower, I kept thinking Batman! Then at the end before they give Marcus' heart to Connor Marcus holds the hand of the kid, I immediately had a flashback to Star Wars of Anakin's robotic arm.

Overall, the movie disappointed me. I would have been happy with just lots of action and explosions, but they went ahead a put a plot that was not only predictable and pretty lame. But it was so lame that it managed to fail in being the "salvation" to the Terminator franchise. I love Christain Bale and all, but Terminator still ends at T2 for me.

movie, omgwtf!, scifi, reviews

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