Spies in Silk Kimonos

Nov 19, 2007 19:43

I think that should be the title of my first novel… As for NaNoWriMo… let’s just say. Catching up on 4 seasons of Ed has not helped in that department at all.

This post isn’t about my failure as a novelist this month, but I bring you another dream I had. I’ve had several bizarre dreams in the last month, but this is the one I can remember the most details to.

Anyways I am spy trailing someone, and for some reason I have these super ninja skills of jumping from tree to tree or rooftop to rooftop. Eventually, I reach an impasse. The building I was trying to get through was too high to scale, and it seemed to never end. So I had no choice but to climb down and try to find a way to the other side through the building.

I enter the building and inside it looks like a cramped up grocery store and it only had one set of stairs. I take the stairs up to find a another floor and run into Morgan from Chuck. I ask him if there is a way out of to the other side of this building. Morgan only replies to me saying that “Chuck is up stairs” and points to another flight of stairs leading up another floor. At this time Chuck appears and starts to chat me up while I’m searching for a set of hidden keys on a display with a bunch of cereal boxes. I just smile and nod at Chuck while he talks, then Casey shows up pointing a gun at me. I hold my hands up and tell him the reason I’m here is to find a way to the other side of this building and we were on the same team. Casey lowers his gun and I continue looking for the keys at the cereal shelf and it was suddenly right there. So I grab the keys and run up the stairs ignoring Casey yelling at me.

Suddenly I find myself in standing in front of a white building resembling a motel in the middle of nowhere. I use the key to open the door and enter to find a room that was stark white and had a creepy vibe to it. On one side of the room were ugly grey green curtains covering compartments like cheap fitting rooms. Feeling the creepy vibe, I decided to not open the curtains. I was afraid I might find a dead body or something. So I walk deeper into the room and suddenly find a guy who looked exactly like Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights. I think he was Tim, because he wasn’t the brightest light bulb when I tried asking him what he was doing imprisoned in this room. He just looked perpetually confused, but he yet really hot at the same time. Even in my dreams I’m shallow! Huzzah!.

While talking to Riggins, I get the nerve to pull back the ugly curtains and find there aren’t anything behind them other than a really nice silk kimono-like robe. Eventually, I figure we are stuck in some weird experiment and I need to get him out of here, but before we made an escape I had to use the bathroom. Don't ask.

So I head into he bathroom, and just when I’m ready to come out. Tim runs up to the door and says “they are coming” and shuts me in the bathroom. This is when I realize that I am only in a towel. I try to get Tim to bring me the silk robe in the “closet”, but before he could get the robe to me. “They” arrive and start talking to him, while I am still trapped in the bathroom. I try to wait them out, but it takes forever so I finally emerge from the bathroom and pretend that everything is right as rain say “hi” to everyone and grab the robe to put on.

At this point, I can’t figure out what kind of experiment is going on with Tim and this whole “meeting the family” thing was weirding me out. So I slip out of the room unnoticed and find that I am in kitchen of an empty house that looks very much like the remodeled kitchen of my present house then I keep walking around the kitchen to find nook that looks like the spot where the kitchen of the house should be instead of the room I was just in, which I guess was supposed to be the dining room. This is when I realize this wasn’t my home and finally woke up.

The other day I had another dream involving David Tennant practicing for a musical number for a show, or it was something to do with us being locked down in a building for a while and Tennant was bored and starting to do a musical number. All I really remember from that dream was David Tennant smiling boyishly and singing and dancing the only way Tennant can and still be charming.

Now that I remember this dream, I have an urge to watch Friday Night Lights or Viva Blackpool.

friday night lights, david tennant, dreams

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