space ships, life sensors, and my f*ed up brain...

Feb 21, 2005 10:41

I just woke up from the strangest dream...

At first it started like any other day, by aunt was sitting outside in some garden with my little cousin. Then she sudden calls my mom (we were inside the house). She calls to ask my mom if she saw a red dot on her life sign detector, because she sees a red dot around where she and my cousin are at, but she doesn't see anything strange in her vicinty. (Note for none geeks reading: Which bascilly shows a blue dot for all humans and red dot for any other life form).

So my mom checks her life sign detector and also sees a red dot. So she looks out the window in the direction where my Aunt is and doesn't see anything. I could tell she was concerned about something, so she makes up this excuse saying. I should tell my aunt to come inside because she's sitting in a dark corner of the garden.

I'm so annoyed because I'm still half asleep, and I was thinking, couldn't we just call her on the phone? So I grab my jacket and shoes go out side find my aunt with my life sign detector. While while i'm looking at the life sign detector, I was thinking the life sign detoctor is never wrong. It's Ancient technology and their technology is almost perfect! Then it hits me. If it isn't on the ground its above us!

So I run to my aunt and tell her we have to go inside now. She looks at me confused, and I look at my life sign detector again and see more red dots starting to appear. So i tell her that the red dots are ships that are above us, and we have to go inside now. So we run inside and as we are running inside, I keep my eye on the life sign dector and more and more red dots appear on the little screen until the whole screen is red!

So we make it into the house, and I yell to my dad we have to call the President, Stargate command, what ever...but just then all the electricity goes out. And my dad said, "I think the President knows."

All this time, while the Alien ships are over head I'm thinging. Dude too bad John Sheppard is in the Pegasus Galaxy...

Later I don't know what happen be we all end up in a secret conference on some ship to discuss the 'situation'. Next thing I know we dock and end up waiting for a tour bus. Then I woke up.

Now I ask you...How does one NOT wake up confused by a dream like ?that...

stargate, dreams

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