MCSF Update: Radio Broadcast!

Aug 05, 2010 17:38

I just received an email message that one of my Master Chorale of South Florida performances of Beethoven's 9th is going to be broadcast on WKCP 89.7 FM on Friday August 20 at 8pm. Woo!

I'm ecstatic to hear about the broadcast as there haven't been any official recordings of the chorus ever since I joined it two years ago. It's enormously different to hear the chorus from the audience rather than while you're in the middle of it. I usually have an advantage of being at the front of the chorus and able to hear everyone singing behind me since I'm not as tall as most of our members.

In just a few weeks I'll starting my third year with MCSF. Singing in rehearsals is as much fun as performing at concerts. Sometimes it's more fun since we're able to joke around and listen to Joshua's amusing stories in between sections of work. He uses his stories to make pertinent points about what we're doing, all while letting us rest for a minute or two; a strategy that works enormously well in my book!
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