seaivy as given me the letter W for the gratitude meme.
If you would like a letter, please comment. This isn't the kind of meme where I tag you. You have to tag yourself.
Wonder Both the verb and the noun). Tonight we are in a delicious state of wonder. Edelweiss knows SOMETHING is up, but it doesn't add up to anything familiar, so she is wondering what. I think I know what, and when, and even why, but we ar waiting an wondering or something magical to happen. Sing along with us, "Do you believe in Magic?" and share in our gratitude that a sense of wonder can lift the spirits and make grown women and sensible cats giggle.
Weaving If you have been following along a
http://www,tromp-as-writ ou know that I am filled with joy and gratitude for having a long black warp on the loom. It has been a long time coming, and it makes so many things right.
Winter Every season, I tell you that THIS is my favorite season. Winter really is. I am fortunate to have a snug Aerie, a purring cat, and a lofty duvet to keep me warm. There's just a dusting of snow in the garden, and the first stirrings of life are taking place in secret in the garden beds.
Water Elixir of life. Steaming cup of tea. Pounding waves. We bow to the water at the end of our meditations because we know water is life.
Wool Apart from weaving it, there is the joy of spinning, and I am filled with gratitude for all the placidly grazing sheep who produce it.