Blessings from the heart of stillness

Dec 21, 2012 10:56

It was good to spiral inward and inward, and now I am here in the silence, here in the present moment.

The Aerie is fragrant with evergreens on the mantle.

All night, rain pounded the windows and the wind threatened to blow the bird feeders away. I could not bear to bring them in today. There's precious little I can give the birds at this way station, beyond feeders full of seed.

Clouds are racing through the sky. The storm is starting to break up. The birds are hungry this morning, coming out of their snug roosts to feast on seeds. Can there be anything more cute and pathetic at the same time as a soggy tufted titmouse, with his crest all askew and dripping?

The sun makes everything right.

I have been through the darkness, and this year, there was true darkness lurking in the dark hours. I am still a hurricane refugee, with my office building still shuttered, trying to make do in an inhospitable space across the river. I am still grieving for the innocent children and brave teachers killed last week. I am still seeking to find what goes in the empty places that are left when friendships end and beloved cats die.

I have to believe that the sun makes everything right.

The past is just a story. The present is now, filled with soggy titmice and one beloved cat who loves nothing more than to be told that I love her. I am blessed with joy and ease, friends and sangha, peace and safety within my walls, and the view of a bell tower that points straight up to the present moment. I wish all of that for you.

The sun makes everything right.

When I light the Solstice candles tonight, this will be my intention--

May you be happy
May you be healthy
May you be safe
May you ride the wave of your life
   wherever it may take you
May you know peace

In the present moment, it's a wonderful moment. Solstice blessings to you!

winter solstice

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