
Jan 29, 2009 20:43

 Can one witch make a difference in the global financial crisis? What about three or nine or thirteen witches? I believe we can.

Before we begin to craft abundance magic, we must take time to appreciate the abundance that already exists in our lives, and focus on how it makes us feel.

Do you have abundance?

I certainly do.  It's not all monetary, either.  I have an abundance of books. Many are of interest to witches, and these make me feel like a keeper of knowledge and tradition. Not keeping in the sense of hoarding or holding back, but keeping in the sense of preserving and making available. This illustrates one of my key beliefs about abundance, that it is meant to be shared.

I have a new-found abundance of creative people in my life. Between Spin City and A Stitch in the Dark, I've gone from having a small handful of friends and acquaintances to becoming a magnet for like-minded people. This illustrates an important approach to abundance, which is turning up the light and being a beacon for what you want to draw toward you.

In the past, I have written about prosperity and abundance, and I always come back to setting the right kind of expectation. "Just enough" really isn't enough. Having just enough doesn't eliminate the fears and concerns that people carry with them. Just enough for today may not be quite enough for tomorrow. Abundance is bigger than that, but not so big that it becomes greed and selfishness. My idea of abundance is enough to spare and enough to share. It's not the barn floors full of apples alone, it also includes the little heap under the stairs. Just enough and a little bit more.

Abundance isn't a drizzle, and it's not a hurricane. It's the steady, soaking rain that washes and nurtures the earth.

The more I talk about abundance, the images and language of the magic is beginning to take shape.

Tell me in your words about the abundance in your life.


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