get another free

Dec 27, 2006 18:26

do you ever notice how even when women get together, whether it's just for coffee or lunch or maybe as a group to have a girls night out.....the conversation is always centered around men and relationships. sometimes i just don't know if we'd have anything to talk about if it wasn't for men....and that's so damn sad. now i'm not saying that all women are like that, and i know i've had meaningful conversations with women that have nothing to do with men....but more often than not, that's the case. how fucked up is that? we are beautiful, intelligent, independent women...or were at one point, and yet somehow we turn into robots with one track minds. BOYFRIEND BOYFRIEND BOYFRIEND...all we think about. we're not happy at any gathering unless he's there, in order to make any plans we must see what he's doing first. most, if not all of us are guilty of sacrificing a bit of ourselves for the sake of a relationship, are guilty of irritating the crap out of our friends by complaining about the same old shit over and over again that never seems to move us closer to a solution, are guilty of ditching our friends in order to spend another couple hours with a guy that we've spent most of our time with already. it's just...pathetic. relationships are great, if you find someone you're really happy with, then you should be with him. but it just makes me so incredibly sad to see these amazing girls either stuck with losers, or obsessing over guy problems or their boyfriends in general ALL THE FUCKING TIME. get a life, honestly. or at least stop making your boyfriend or your relationship you're ENTIRE life. it's just such a waste....there's so many more important things to worry about.
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