Title: VF Mother's Day Drabble; Asami's Mother

May 13, 2012 14:03

Title: VF Mother's Day Drabble Asami Mother
Author: Athenaartisan
For Nbsiren and all Vf fans who are moms. Happy Mother’s Day
Rating: Pg13
Pairing: Asami x Takaba
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Summary: Mother's Day for Asami’ mother. A response to NBsiren drabble
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Yamane Ayano.

One of Original Van Gogh's Sunflower purchased private collector in USA. - $39 million US dollars.

Asami family's crest designed necklace made with 17 Yellow Sapphires the match her eyes. - ¥8 Million yen.

Having Akihito picked up after he drop his mother of after his own mother’s day dinner, flown by helicopter to The Asami family’s Rural estate and a new Gucci suit for him to wear. - half a million yen.

Flying in Gordon Ramsey from England last minute to prepare a nice quiet family dinner at home for three. - £56 thousand British pounds.

Presenting his mother with a new family registry that now includes One Asami Akihito as wife of Asami Ryuichi. - ¥400 thousand yen (and one very pissed off Kitten.)

Giving his mother, who has everything, exactly what she wants for mother’s day. - PRICELESS

drabble, viewfinder

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