Drabble: Turnabout

Jul 07, 2012 22:36

 comicdrabbles Prompt: First
fanfic100  Prompt: Circle

A companion piece to Nightmares

Bruce will never admit it, but he sleeps better when she's there. It's not just the sex; Diana's mere presence seems to keep the nightmares at bay. For the first time in years, he feels rested.

Until the night he hears her screaming and sobbing, hears her imploring Someone in a language he doesn't understand.

He starts by gently shaking her shoulder and calling her name, pulling her into the circle of his arms.

Her eyes open; he is stricken by the terror and loss they hold.

And he adds one more entry to his mental list of reasons.

challenge drabbles, fan fiction, bats/wondy

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